Chapter 53

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Please read the Note at the end of the chapter

Days passed quickly, Mom and Aunt Sareh were one week away from their flight, And we want to spend these days with each other, Since it was The weekend, We were going shopping,

Shopping wasn't my favorite Activity, But I was fine with it, Mom woke me up early today Because "early birds catch the worms", Or something like that, I can't even remember what she said, I was half asleep,

I wore blue ripped Jeans with A white blouse and a white Vans, I put my hait in a high pony tail with a little bit of Mascara.

I went down stairs to see Mom,And Aunt Sareh waiting for me,

"Took you long enough", Mom said grining from ear to ear, She was excited, We didn't go out together in so long.

We were going In my mom's car,So I sent a text to Zayn Saying that I'm going shopping with Mom and Aunt Sareh,And i'll talk with him later,

After sending him the text,I put the phone in my pocket,And got out of the car seeing that we Parked infront of the Mall,

"Let's go!", Mom grapped the hand and dragged me with her,

We've been the Mall for hours, Shop after Shop I've tried a hundred Outfit so far,and so did Mom and Aunt Sareh ,I've never believed in the saying "shop till you drop" until now, My feet hurt,And so does my Arms from holding so many bags,



"I'm hungry",I've been saying this for the past hour, She told me to try an outfit,That turned into five,

"Fine,Let's go eat",

We went to the nearest food court, and sat down, I took my phone out of my pocket, I knew what I was going to order so I just waited for Mum and Aunt Sareh to do so,

I had a message from Zayn saying:
"Hi babe, I miss you already :p,Are you okay with after tomorrow for the lunch with My mom? Xx",

That's close,Too close, I don't know if I can do it or not,I-

My thoughts were cut off with My Aunt asking me,"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, Yeah why?"

"We've been calling you for ages", I looked between the both of them and said,

"Zayn wants me to meet his mother"

"Okay, That's Awesome"

"Yeah, I'm having lunch with them the day after tomorrow"


"Yes, Oh, I haven't picked an outfit, I don't know what I even Have to say", I started panicing,

"Okay,Sam Breath"

"Yes,Your mom and I will help you with everything, Plus we bought a hundred outfit already", Aunt Sareh Said putting a hand on my own,

"You will?!"

"Ofcource, Now send him that text already, And let's order some food, I'm starving",

"Okay",I mumbled as I started texting Zayn Back and My mother went to order,

I sent "Miss you too, Of cource, Just tell me when to pick me up?Xx", I sighed,I'm gonna mess up,

"You'll do fine, Don't worry", I just nodded,I saw my Mom sitting in her seat, Smiling

"Mom, What did you do when Dad first introduced you to my Grandparents?"

"Ugh, long story, you know, When You're Dad and I started dating, His mother, Your grandma, Didn't like me much but your grandpa did, He loved me like his own daughter-", I cut her off by

"Mom, You were supposed to say that they both loved you, Now I'm more nervous",

"Shush, I'm trying to tell you our love story, Now, When your Dad first told them about us, I swear she looked at me like I killed someone, But after months she accepted the thought of us"


"I remember I came to your Dads house,Before we were even Married,To see him but he wasn't there, so Your grandmother started yelling at me and fell off the stairs, I helped her and Called an ambulance, It wasn't a big injury but I helped her and Blah blah blah, she loved me for saving her life",She smiled at the thought,

"Oh god, Mom, this is the first time that I've heared this story",

"Yeah", She said as the food came, We all dug in, seeing that we were hungry,No Starving after almost five hours of shopping, Suddenly My phone buzzed, I picked it up to see a text from Zayn

"Is five Okay?Where something Beautiful, Beautiful Xx",

"Awh! Shes's blushing",I heard Aunt Sareh whisper to my mother who nodded happily,

"Yeah, that would be lovely Xx", I texted back,

"What should I wear?", i asked biting my sandwich,

"Clothes", They both said Laughing, I've always thought that they could be twins,

"Funny",I couldn't help but to laugh with them


Hi peeps,

This chapter is long and boring but The next one will have the dinner with his Mom,

I want every single one of you to vote, and comment at least once please,

And If you don't like this story anymore just tell me, Because I don't have as much vote as before Also if you have any notes on my writing other than the grammar and the spelling please leave a comment or inbox me,

Thank you for reading

-Fatima al taweel

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