the end.

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I guess this is the end, you've reached the last words of this story without even knowing it. I know this may hurt to see but everything ends eventually, whether words or not.

I've had fun writing this but I've lost my motivation, I want to work on other things, I have for a while.

So I guess this is kind of a final message, a farewell, a bon voyage.

I still watch Tommy and all of his friends I just don't want to write about them anymore, and I've been told they don't want to be written about.

I want to continue with something new, maybe it will be about the dream team, I haven't written romance in a while so maybe I could work off that.

This is just a message to you all that it's the end of the story, I wouldn't want to leave you expecting more when the words have ran dry and the chapters are now empty.

Remember wherever you go to enjoy what you read, and if I've brought you happiness then I've completed this book right.

Drink water and know that we care, we all do.

Total words: 23131

Update: I've started a new book about minecraft youtubers, including Tommy, you should check it out on my profile! If you follow me then you can see all the new things I release and thank you if you do check out the fic <3

Update 2: there is a playlist with all the songs in this book which you can find here ( ), in the link in my about section, or by checking my message board :D

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