get away from me

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"I promise"

Trigger Warning(s): Drowning

Tommy looked down at the blue liquid that splashed against the boat he sat in, Deo, Tubbo, and Wilbur scattered the vehicle, the group surrounded by water

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Tommy looked down at the blue liquid that splashed against the boat he sat in, Deo, Tubbo, and Wilbur scattered the vehicle, the group surrounded by water. To the surprise of the others Deo actually knew how to drive the boat and insisted on taking them all on a ride earlier that day. Tommy felt like he could reach down and touch the white waves as they splashed up, towards him. He had never told the others but when he was a kid he never learned to swim so he didn't reach down in fear of falling over the edge.

Soon the boat slowed and the water rocked it up and down, like a float stuck in the middle of the pool with nothing to stop it from moving. The motion worried Tommy as he didn't want to tip too much and for him to end up stuck under water, but he had seen others go on boats before and he knew that he would be fine even if the thought was still there.

"Let's get in!" Tubbo excitedly said, looking over the edge, down at the abyss they called the ocean. Wilbur took off his glasses and set them on the small area that Deo's sunglasses had been. He stood up from his seat, next to Deo, stretching his arms and looking down at the water along with Tubbo.

"Yeah, let's go" Wilbur said, putting away the book he had been reading in the same spot as his glasses and taking off his sandals.

Tubbo smiled as he stood back, away from the edge, and turned to Tommy, "Come on Toms, let's get in!"

Tommy turned his gaze to the seemingly bottomless pit full of water, the waves that pushed eveything in their way terrifying the boy as he watched.

"I-I'm good!" He tried to not let the fear show in his voice but it slipped as he stuttered and he cursed under his breath at it.

"Sounds like someone is scared" Deo teased the boy, standing up from his seat and stepping towards the back of the boat.

"I'm not scared!" Tommy defended himself, "I would jump in I'm just tired!"

"I'm sure" Wilbur said as he dipped his feet into the water, Tubbo sitting next to him, looking back at Tommy and Deo.

Deo just laughed and let down the anchor, sliding his old sandals off and stepping away from Tommy and next to the others. Tommy stayed near the front of the boat, away from where he might fall in, as he stood he watched his three friends. Wilbur sat with his feet in the water, seeming in his thoughts as he watched the waves roll over the blue horizon. Deo stood next to him, Tommy could see his mouth moving but couldn't make out the words, he guessed that the man was trying to convince Tubbo to jump in with him as the other boy soon stood up.

Tubbo stood next to Deo, the two made eye contact before running towards the edge and jumping, hitting the water with great force, the splash that came soon after pulled Wilbur out of his thought as the water hit him. Soon the two boys were once again visible, laughing in the water as the held onto the edge of the boat. Deo whispered something to Tubbo that Tommy couldn't hear and then the two giggled, nodding at each other.

"Tommy!" Tubbo yelled, his head barely visible to the blond from the water, "Come here!"

Tommy rolled his eyes and sat up from his spot at the front of the boat, stepping towards his friends, "What do you want?" he asked as he took a seat next to Wilbur, his shoes already off and his knees tucked under him.

"You should come in with us" Deo looked up at the boy, still trying to convince him.

"Yeah!" Tubbo smiled, "Please Toms it will be fun!"

"Why don't you ask Wilbur?" Tommy turned towards the man that say next to him.

"Because I already swam earlier" Wilbur turned to face Tommy, "They just want you to go in the water with them, Tom, there is no use arguing they will probably force you in either way"

Tommy looked down at his hands, messing with his fingers as he thought about what he could do. He could get in the water and hold onto the side of the boat and hope to stay afloat, but what if some waves came? Tommy couldn't make up his mind and as he sat he was pulled deeper into thought, not noticing that Deo wasn't swimming in front of him with Tubbo anymore. Footsteps came from behind him and that's when he was pulled out of thought, but it was too late and Tommy could already feel Deo's hands pushing him towards the ocean in front of him.

Tommy tried to stop himself from face planting into the water but he had already lost his balance and it was inevitable. As soon as he hit the cold liquid shot up his nose, making him scrunch up his face and shut his eyes tight. He had landed headfirst into the ocean but he tried to flip himself so his head was above him, making it so he could try and get back to the boat. Fear consumed him as he felt himself sinking, he tried to get to the surface but it seemed to be getting farther and farther away. He kicked his legs and tried to reach up to grab onto something, anything. He was getting colder by the second but when he tried to open his eyes the salty liquid stung them.

Tommy was so cold, the water seemed to pull him farther down. He didn't want to die. Tears would be streaming down his face if he wasn't already surrounded by water. Tommy didn't think he would be able to make it any longer, the water started to fill his lungs and everything was going dark. He stopped kicking and struggling, he was so tired and the water seemed warm now. He felt arms around him but he couldn't tell whose they were.

Suddenly his head was above the water, he heard loud voices but he couldn't tell what they were saying. He just wanted to fall asleep, he was so tired. Tommy couldn't feel anything around him, just stuck in his mind as the world turned darker and darker. At first he didn't want to die but now he didn't mind, he didn't feel anything, just peace, the darkness was still forming but it felt natural now. Tommy felt like he was floating, he could barely feel as someone layed the base of their hand against his chest but he knew the pressure was there.

In the beginning everything was still and quiet and then he felt like he was being pulled back into reality, he felt like he was forced back into his body.

He opened his eyes and shot up, his eyes wide with shock. Tommy blinked a few times, he brought his hands up to his face and turned them over, was this even real? He turned his gaze from his face to the person that sat beside him, Wilbur look at the boy with relief in his eyes, his face looked wet with tears as he watched the boy.

Tommy saw the man and pulled him into a hug, he needed to make sure that he was actually there, that he wasn't just imaging it all. It was quiet for a while, Wilbur put his arms around Tommy, and the boy felt protected, Wilbur was like the older brother he could never have.

"I'm not dead, am I?" Tommy whispered as he shut his eyes.

Wilbur chuckled, "As far as I know, you aren't dead."

"I'm sorry" Tommy heard a voice from behind him and let go of Wilbur to turn to the owner. Deo sat against the side of the boat, tears were still streaming down his face as guilt consumed him. Tommy glanced at Wilbur and turned back to the man, he sat up and walked towards him, pulling him into a hug as he reached the other.

"It's not your fault."

1384 words.

~inspired by an event that happened to me~

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