i can be myself

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"-and there was so much happiness that we were yet to find!"

Trigger Warning(s): Going Blind

Tommy stepped down the wooden pathway he was so familiar with, he was heading to l'manberg from his base and decided to walk instead of run like he usually would

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Tommy stepped down the wooden pathway he was so familiar with, he was heading to l'manberg from his base and decided to walk instead of run like he usually would. His gaze turned from the path towards the sky as he felt the oak under his sneakers, the clouds were fluffy and white, it seemed like today was a perfect day. Suddenly he felt a tripwire under his feet and he started to fall, putting out his arms, he caught himself in the last moment. As he turned to look back he saw a splash potion fly into the air, in slow motion it started to come back down and he went wide eyed as it hit him. His vision started to go darker and that's when he realised he had been hit by a blindness potion, how great.

The potion was the boys least favourite as it made him feel so alone, unable to see his friends, his pets, and even just his surroundings. He was stunned by the sudden predicament he had been put in without his will, completely forgetting where he even was on the path. Why would someone make a potion  on the way to l'manberg, the boy wondered. Tommy knew he should go to his base and get some milk but he didn't know exactly how to get there, he was heading to l'manberg so all he would have to do was follow the path until he found someone to help get home.

And so he started on his adventure, Tommy pushed continued walking down the path, making sure to keep his feet on the oak slabs. He was going significantly slower than he normally would be but he wanted to be safe in case something happened while he was walking. About 10 minutes into his walk he ran into someone, "Hey!" A voice, which Tommy recognizes as Sapnap's, exclaims, "Watch where you're going, kid."

"I wish I could" Tommy scoffed at the older man, "and I'm not a kid!"

"Wh-" Sapnap interrupts himself and starts laughing, "Did you-" he didn't even finish the sentence as more wheezing followed, "Did you really trigger that trap? I thought no-one would..." And with that more sniggering followed.

"Yeah, I did!" Tommy crossed his arms, annoyed that the man would laugh at him for this.

"Here" Tommy felt Sapnap grab one of his hand and put a glass bottle in it. A moment of silence passed before he spoke up again, "It's milk, I knew someone would trip it so I grabbed some."

"Oh" Tommy put the glass to his lips and drank it, he closed his eyes as he did and when he finished he wiped his mouth. He opened his eyes again but instead of the world being back to normal he saw nothing, it was all blank. At this point he started to panic, "Are you sure that was milk?"

"Yeah..." Sapnap trailed off, "You're eyes aren't back to normal yet, can you see?"

"No." Tommy let out a shakey breath, fear consumed him, what if he was never able to see again?

"We might have to go to Dream" Sapnap whispered more to himself than Tommy, "He is better with this stuff than me."

Tommy nodded, he felt as if he was going to cry and didn't speak up in fear he would start. Sapnap grabbed the boys hand, "Come with me I'll lead the way."

Tommy was pulled along the walkway, tear formed in his eyes as they pair ran along the oak path. He didn't want to cry but he was so scared, he didn't want to be stuck like this forever. Soon the two slowed and Tommy heard knocking on something wooden in front of him and Sapnap. There was a moment of silence and then a door opened and Dream's voice came from somewhere past Tommy, "What do you want?"

Suddenly Tommy was being pushed forward and he instinctively shut his eyes as he was, "Something happened to Tommy..."

"What's up?" Dream yawned, he probably had just been woken up by the two.

"Uhm..." Tommy opened his eyes so Dream could see them, his regular blue irises were a light milky blue and his pupil had been covered with what looked like a cloud in his eyes, "I'm blind."

"Get some milk, why are you coming to me?" Dream was probably crossing his arms now, annoyed that they would come to him over such a small issue.

"We already tried milk..." Sapnap pitched in from Tommy's side.

"And you're saying that it didn't work?" Dream questioned, Tommy could almost see his confused expression.

"Uh- Yeah" Tommy whispered, he was worried that Dream had no fix for the problem on hand.

"Come in." Tommy heard footsteps and for a moment he stood still until he felt Sapnap grab his arm and direct him into Dream's base. Tommy heard shuffling of papers as he was settled onto a couch. The boy shut his eyes, he had started shaking and put his head in his hands to try and stop it. A tear streamed down the boys face, and soon more started. "Hey..." Dream softened his tone and Tommy felt a hand on his shoulder, "It's gonna be alright, we'll figure this out."

891 words.

~inspired by the song Television / So Far So Good by Rex Orange County~

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