don't leave me

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"You are beautiful"

Trigger warning(s): Slight Mention of Blood, Yelling, and Swearing

Tommy opened his eyes lazily, he had been killed too many time to count yesterday and respawning had worn him out

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Tommy opened his eyes lazily, he had been killed too many time to count yesterday and respawning had worn him out. He glanced to his alarm clock and shot out of bed when he realised that it read 7:45, he was about to miss breakfast.

Tommy bolted to his bathroom and started to brush his teeth, as he did he looked into the mirror and dropped his toothbrush. He had scars all over his face, and a horrible one on his forehead, he had died so much yesterday and the scars from where the last hit had been each time tattered his skin.

As he starred at himself in the mirror his hand barely grazed the marks that stained his complexion. He sighed and picked up his toothbrush again, how was he supposed to cover those? He usually could hide the ones on his chest or back but now there were on his face too...

"Tommy!" He heard Tubbo call his name from downstairs, "Food is done!"

Tommy looked around and grabbed a hoodie from his wardrobe, pulling the hood over his face and grabbing a cloth mask from his drawer. He put on the mask as he went down the stairs and pulled the hood over his forehead more in an attempt to conceal the scar that covered it.

"Tom" Wilbur said as Tommy headed towards the door, "Aren't you gonna eat?"

"uhm-" Tommy covered his face with his arm and ran out the door, "Not hungry thanks Wil!"

Tommy started towards the doors that led out of l'manburg, he uncovered his face with his arm but his mask and hoodie still did a good job at hiding his injuries. He got past the spawn house before he was stopped by Sapnap.

"What are you doing here child?" The man asked from his spot on the roof of the house.

"I'm walking, obviously." Tommy laughed but he worried that Sapnap would come too close and see his face.

"Why are you wearing a hoodie?" Sapnap asked as he jumped from the roof, landing on his feet like a cat. "It's like 75° (24°) outside."

"I'm just cold" Tommy flinched away as Sapnap got closer to him, taking a step back.

"I don't believe that" Sapnap said through gritted teeth as he drew his sword and grabbed the british boy in front of him, holding the blade to his throat, a new violent attitude formed.

Tommy froze, what was he supposed to say? Fear consumed him as Sapnap pushed the material harder, making Tommy whimper. Usually he would try to fight back or would say something in response to the threat but he was terrified of Sapnap taking off his mask or being killed again and making another scar so he stayed quiet.

"So answer me kid" Sapnap whispered, "What's with the mas-"

"What the fuck are you doing Sapnap?" A voice yelled at the texan, startling him enough to push Tommy and making the boy fall to his knees and hold his hand to his throat.

"Dream it- it's not what it looks like I swear!" Sapnap tried to defend himself from the man in front of him but the older wasn't buying it.

"The hell it wasn't!" Dream shouted, "Don't hurt the fucking kid he did nothing."

Sapnap nodded and walked away with his head down, obviously upset that Dream had seen him.

"You okay Tommy?" Dream turned to the boy that sat on the ground, Tommy held his hand to his throat checking if it was bleeding. When he pulled away his hand and when he saw the familiar crimson liquid and frowned, another scar to add to his "collection" probably.

"I'm sorry about Sapnap" the blond mumbled as he stepped over to Tommy. "I can give you some bandage if you want..."

"I'm sure I'll be fine" Tommy muttered through his mask.

"If you say so" Dream said as he held out his hand to Tommy, "Here I'll walk you back to l'manberg"

"Thanks" Tommy wiped the blood off his hand and onto his shorts and grabbed the taller's hand to help him up.

As the two walked Dream glanced at Tommy. "What's with the hoodie and mask, if you're trying to copy me then it's not really working" Dream laughed.

"It's nothing" Tommy mumbled, looking away from Dream and instead to the wooden path below his feet.

"C'mon, Tommy" Dream said, "What's wrong?"

"I already said nothing." Tommy was getting annoyed, why would he care anyways? Dream had been some of the reasons he even had the scars in the first place.

"Don't lie to m-"

"You know what? Fine!" Tommy's annoyance got the best of him and he pulled down his hood and ripped of his mask, throwing it in the dirt, "This is why I'm wearing a hoodie and a mask."

"Tommy..." Dream looked down at the boys face, all of the scars that had been left on his skin now visible, Dream knew that some were from his doing and the guilt ate away at him.

Without warning Tommy was pulled into an embrace by the american,"I'm so sorry"

"It's not your fault, Dream" Tommy mumbled into his green jumper.

"Yes it is" Dream spoke as he pulled away from Tommy and brushed his finger over the scar on Tommy's forehead, it was the worst one of them all and Dream had done it to him.

"You shouldn't cover yourself" Dream spoke as me moved his hands to unhook the mask that covered his own face, "and I probably shouldn't either"

The white mask slipped from Dream's face, giving Tommy full view of the man's complexion. Scars scattered across his face, one on his nose, one that crossed his left eye, one that went straight across his chin, hundreds of smaller ones that were spread across his pale skin, he had scars like Tommy.

Tears started to form in Tommy's eyes and he pulled the man into another hug.

1012 words.

~inspired by a book that I forgot the name of~

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