「️The Owner of This Weapon 」️「️Chapter 13」️

Start from the beginning

" Kaito please! " Akamatsu pleaded.

" He's been insulting Yukizome sensei for a while now! " Momota furiously yelled out with a finger accusingly pointing at Ouma.

Ouma looked back to the three, lifting his head up because of the height difference and he was also on the floor. Ouma smirked to fight off the throbbing pain of his cheek. "Neeheehee~ I only said that what if she's the Despair Follower all along~! Wouldn't that be a plot twist? Totally be a interesting plot twist! "

" YOU—! This is why you're so—! " Momota tried to get over to Ouma to give him another dose of his knuckle sandwich but the persistence of Akamatsu and Saihara blocking his path made it impossible for him to do so. " THIS IS WHY NO ONE LIKES YOU HERE! "

Yumeno yawned before entering the classroom. Yonaga looking over with a smile and wave. Chabashira head over to the two but her eyes was observing the 2 trouble causing degenerates.
Ouma and Momota.
She noted in her head making a mental note to not let those two get Yumeno in trouble.

" Neeheehee~! I'm a very well liked person you know~! As you know haters are confused admirers~! "

" THIS LITTLE—!! " Momota lifted his sleeves up ready to attack Ouma but his two friends kept him from hurting the shorter. " YOU'RE REALLY FULL OF YOURSELF AREN'T YOU? YOU PIECE OF SHIT! "

Ouma stood up and looked at his nails, observing them like they were the most interesting thing that can entertain him. " Piece of shit? How original. I've heard that from a lot of fanfics already. Mind thinking of a new one? " Ouma's expression changed to a smirk and narrowed eyes. A hand slightly covering his mouth as he snickered at the other. "Oh that's right you can't since you're an idiot~!"

Saihara glared over to Ouma making the shorter look away. " Ouma stop pissing him off. "

Ouma showed his tongue like a sulking child. " Not my fault he's so sensitive to words! He's boring and an idiot. "

Saihara frowned still eyeing him like a parent eyeing their child when they did something wrong and won't confess it to them. Saihara sighed almost feeling a headache starting to form. " I'll scold you later but for now just go back to your seat and shut your mouth. "

" But Saihara chan he— "

Saihara narrowed his eyes into a glare when Ouma looked at him pleadingly.
" Did I stutter? "

Ouma puffed his cheeks and went back to his seat before committing heads down like a sulking child. Chabashira took note that Saihara might also be trouble.

" Sorry about that Kaito he can sometimes talk insensitively. " Saihara sighed and turned to Momota who with Akamatsu was staring at him weirdly. " What? "

" You tamed Ouma like it was nothing. Pretty wild if you ask me. " Akamatsu blinked and stated in astonishment.

" N-not at all. Ouma isn't really that—"

" You're the man sidekick! "

Yonaga swayed her body left and right  in a way that looks like she'd fall with one wrong move. " Nyahaha~! Atua had told me that there has been progress in their relationship! Angie also agrees to Atua! "

" Everyone. " Kirumi called out to get everyone's attention. " It's time to head out to the fitting room. "

Chabashira widened her eyes turning to Yumeno with a gasp. " It's already this late!? We still have to attend our classes! " She grabbed Yumeno and quickly carried her into her arms like a princess while Chabashira dashed away in hopes to not let Yumeno get detention for being late.

The Owner of This Weapon[Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now