52. What If He

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In that instant, I began to panic. Although I wanted to believe that JJ wouldn't tell Jack about our kiss, the gut feeling that wrenched inside of me thought otherwise. What else could he possibly need to tell him?

Maybe I shouldn't jump to conclusions. I'd just have to deal with the situation when the time comes. If it ever does, that is. 

"He's on his way." Jack said, standing up from the bed. He reached his arms into the air and twisted his hips, stretching his body. "Are you alright? You look pale." He asked, placing the backside of his hand against my forehead to feel for a fever. However, my pale face wasn't because of a sickness or a fever. It was the result of my nervous behavior. 

"I'm fine. Just a little hungover I think." I said as an excuse. My eyes were completely concentrated on him as he got dressed. He threw on a plain white t-shirt and pair of tan shorts, his normal attire.

I quickly stood up from the soft bed and immediately sat back down, my hands grasping the side of the bed. My hangover was so extreme that I couldn't even manage to stand up without feeling like I was spinning in circles. I stood up again, this time slowly and proceeded to throw an extra large crew neck over my chest, fully covering my exposed body. 

The doorbell rang downstairs. "It's unlocked." Jack yelled. "Come up to my room." His thunderous and deep voice was loud enough for my neighbors to overhear. I could feel my internal body temperature rapidly rising, making the palms of my hands clammy. My heartbeat was pacing so fast that I could hear it thump with my own ears. 

JJ's slim body emerged from around the corner and he took a seat  on the side of Jack's bed, directly next to me. "Oh, hi Anna." He said, letting out a small smile. The tone of his shaky voice confirmed to me that he was extremely nervous to be here, which made me even more nervous. 

"Do you want me to leave the room while you two talk?" I asked. I stood up in preparation of him telling me to leave. To my surprise, he didn't. 

"Actually, I think it would be better if you stayed here." He said apprehensively. I sat back down onto the bed and glared down to the floor. 

After an awkward few minutes of everybody making small talk, Jack finally took initiative. "So, what is it? What do you have to tell me?" He pulled out a desk chair and placed it directly across from JJ. He took a seat and crossed his arms in anticipation of hearing what he had to say. His jaw was clenched and the muscles in his arms were flexed. 

JJ took a deep breath and looked straight into Jack's stern eyes. After what felt like ages, he finally spoke. "I'm moving to New York. I'm leaving Jack & Jack."

I immediately felt like a huge weight had been lifted on my shoulders. My heart beat returned to it's normal rate and the color inside my pale face reappeared. 

Jack's composed face was now puzzled. I watched as his mouth tried to search for words to say. "What do you mean you're leaving Jack & Jack? We're a team bro. You can't just abandon me like that. What am I supposed to do now? Our album is coming out next month for crying out loud. Why now?" His voice was angry yet sorrow. He buried his face into the palm of his hands and groaned out of frustration. 

"I can't deal with all the fame. It's too much for me. It's overwhelming. I just can't do it anymore, OK?" He explained. JJ talked so fast that often times it was difficult for me to understand what he was saying. 

"I can't believe this. I can't believe you." Jack muttered, shaking his head in disbelief. "I thought you were my best friend."

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