4. At last

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"Well if it isn't little miss Anna." A too familiar voice said from behind me. I turned around to discover Cameron and his arm wrapped tightly around Gianna's thin waist. He was in a well fitted tuxedo with a pink tie. The insides of me felt warm, but at the same time I wanted to throw up at the sight of him. 

"Oh, hi Cameron." I said with my fakest smile. "How have you been?" I gulped. He looked good. And happy. Which killed me. 

"I've been great, thanks. Gianna, do you know Anna?" He looked at her with a huge smile. I missed that smile.. kind of. 

"I've heard of her." She said as she popped her bubble gum directly in my face. I wanted to stab that bubble with a tooth pic and then slap her across the face. Don't pop your gum in my face, whore. 

"Well then, I'll leave you guys alone. Go have fun!" I turned around trying to escape this extremely awkward conversation. I began to search for Waverly for comfort. 

"Where's your date?" Cameron asked me. I turned around, quickly trying to find an excuse. I watched as Gianna trailed her hand all across Cameron's built chest. 

"Oh, I don't have one. I came with my friends." I immediately regretted telling him this. I watched as he began to laugh to himself. I could feel my cheeks turn the color of a ripe tomato. 

"Oh.." He coughed. "I'm.. Um.. Well..I'll see you later." He pulled Gianna close to his body and they began dancing. 

I quickly made my way to Waverly.

"Can we go outside?" I asked her. I needed to get outside before I started to have a full on breakdown in the middle of the dance floor. I didn't want Cameron (or anyone for that matter) to see me cry. 

"Absolutely. What's wrong?" She put her arm on my shoulder and began to rub it.

She ushered me outside. The fresh air felt cool against my sweaty body. It felt nice being outside. Anything was better than that compacted, sweaty smelling, gym. 

"I don't think I was ready." 

"Ready for what?" She asked. Her hands began to rub the back of my shoulder for comfort. Her hands were warm and tingly. 

"Seeing Cameron with another girl. It was so awkward. They laughed at me when I said I didn't have a date. And they were totally all over each other! It's like they were trying to make me jealous!" Tears flew out of my eyes from frustration. I carefully wiped them with the tips of my fingers, not wanting to smear my makeup. 

"I'm so sorry Anna." She gave me a sympathy hug. "Hey, I'm going to go get you a water and some tissues. Stay right here, okay?" She got up and made her way back inside. Times like these were when I felt extremely lucky to have such a good friend like Waverly. I was truly blessed. 

Twenty minutes passed and she still wasn't back. I assumed she just went to the bathroom or something like that. 

The curiosity in my body took complete control over me and my actions. I had the sudden urge to go see if Jack was still in the garden. I stood up and made way to it, hoping he would still be there. Maybe then I could finally have an actual conversation with him. 

To no surprise at all, he was still there. He was in the same position as earlier, except this time, his eyes were fully open and alert. 

I took a deep breath and walked over to him with confidence.

Saving Eternity: A Jack Gilinsky FanficWhere stories live. Discover now