49. Thinking Out Loud

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The most magical night of my entire life. It's the day that everybody had been looking forward to since the very first day of senior year. Now that it was finally here, it didn't feel real. At all. 


I had high expectations about tonight. Although my mom's nagging voiced continued to echo through my head, doubting my decision to get engaged to Jack, I wasn't going to let it ruin my night. I did, however, decide that it would be best to break the bad news to him as soon as possible.

I had to be honest with him.

He deserved to know.

I lightly tapped on the door to his closed bedroom three times. "It's me. Open up.." I said with a soft voice. I was reluctant to tell him mostly because I didn't know how he would react. The door to his bedroom swung open forcefully. Jack stood there half naked, the only thing covering him was a towel that was wrapped loosely around his waist. I flickered my attention up back to his eyes. 

"Come in babe. What's wrong? Everything OK?" He asked, using his hands that were gripped on my waist to sit me down comfortably onto his lap. 

"Listen, I don't know how to tell you this.." My voice faded as my eyes transitioned to look down at the ground.

"What is it Anna? You can tell me anything your little heart desires." He joked, poking my chest with his finger to try to make me laugh. 

"You promise?" I asked, biting down on my lower lip. 

"I promise. Tell me babygirl. What's on your mind?" He said, using his hand to clear out my hair that sat in front of my face. 

"Well... my mom found out about our little secret.. and she's not exactly happy about it.." I said. Right as the words slipped out of my mouth, I could see pain and confusion beginning to build up in Jack's eyes. 

"What do you mean she found out?" He lifted me up from his lap and sat me down directly across from him, making it easier for him to stare into my eyes. 

"Jack, she told me that she's not going to let us get married. She doesn't approve.. She thinks that we're too young.. too naive.. and I think I kind of agree with her.." I said, using my hand to rub his arm to try to make him feel better. "Trust me. I want to get married just as much as you do. All I'm saying is that we should wait a little longer to do so.."

After a long unbearable silence, he finally spoke. 

"I understand." He murmured as a single tear drop fell from the corner of his eyes. I was taken back a bit because I had never seen him so emotional. I used the tip of my finger to gently sweep the tear drop off of his face. I too, began to cry. It was almost as if his tears were contagious. 

"Listen to me. I love you. I didn't even know what love was before I met you. I promise you that we WILL get married. Just not right now." I said, combing my fingers through his hair. 

Jack stood up from the bed and shook his head, almost as if he was in denial. "Go get ready. Our limo is gonna be here in a few hours and you haven't even started to get ready."

"Are you mad at me?" I asked before leaving his bedroom.

"Not mad. Just disappointed." He said, shutting the door in my face. I deeply exhaled and trotted into my room to start getting dressed.

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