13. That Bitch

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"Hey Wave. I gotta head home. Last night was fun. Let's do it again soon." I said as I picked up my belongings from the floor of her ridiculously messy bedroom and threw them in my purse. 

She let out a yawn and stretched her small limbs into the air. "Wait, before you leave." She paused and came closer to me with a serious grin across her face. "Are you gonna talk to him?"

"Yeah. Next time I see him I'm gonna ask him to talk. I need him to clarify some things, you know?" I said as I tied my lengthy blonde hair into a messy bun. 

"Keep me updated. Good luck! See you tomorrow at school." She gave me a hug and flashed a smile.


I had to force myself to talk to Jack. I knew in my heart that I had to do it, but my mind didn't want to. I was aware that it would be extremely awkward. But, if I didn't do it sooner or later it was just going to get worse. 

"How was last night sweetie?" My Mom said upon my arrival. She set down a cup of my favorite tea, green herb, on the counter top. I took a seat and started to drink it. 

"It was interesting to say the least." I said, not revealing too much information.

"Anna, we should talk." She took a seat next to me and stared me straight in the eyes. She put her hand on my thigh and began to rub it. "What is Jack going to do? I don't have a problem with him staying here, but I find it disrespectful that he is more or less using us just for a place to sleep. Don't get me wrong, he's a good kid. I don't even remember the last time I have seen him though. He comes in every night in the wee hours of the morning and that's just about it. Would you mind having a chat with him about his plans for the future? I'm not kicking him out, I just think he needs a little talk." 

I rolled my eyes in an overly dramatic fashion at the mention of his name. "I was planning on talking to him later anyways. Next time I see him I'll do it." 

"How perfect. Hey, I'm headed out to run a few errands. I'll be back later tonight. Remember to do your homework. Parker is at his new girlfriend's house and won't be home till later too." 

"Okay." I mumbled.

She grabbed her car keys from the key rack and exited through the garage door. "See you later, sweetie." 

I was officially home alone. I don't get the house to myself that often, because either Parker or my Mom are always home. This was a pretty rare occasion.

I decided to seize the opportunity and tell Jack to come home for a  few minutes so we could talk alone, without any distractions. I scrolled through my contact list until I found his name and pressed the little call button. 

The phone rang 3 times before he answered. 



"Oh hey Anna. What's up?"

I could feel the awkwardness between the phone.

"Nothing. I just wanted to see if maybe you could come over here real quick. I need to talk to you about something."

"Absolutely. I'll have JJ drop me off at your house in like 15. Is that ok?" 

"Perfect. See you then." I ended the call.


Fifteen minutes had passed.

The door flew open revealing Jack's tall figure. 

"Hi there." He smiled.


"Anyone home?" He asked. His eyebrows scrunched together every time he asked a question which made my heart skip a few beats.


"Sweet.. We'll what's up, Anna? What did you need to talk to me about?"

I decided to jump straight to the point.

"Was you kissing me a mistake?" I blurted. I folded my arms and crossed my legs while sitting upright on the couch.

Jack's body tensed up and he licked his lips. You could tell he was in deep thought.

"In simple terms, yes." He took a seat next to me and positioned his body so that he was directly face to face with me. He moved his left arm on the backrest of the couch behind my neck. 

"What the fuck does that mean?" I yelled while hitting his arm off. 

He moved his head up towards the ceiling and let out a loud groan. He was frustrated. 

"It's hard to explain Anna. You wouldn't get it." 

"Oh, I wouldn't? Try to explain it to me Jack. Please do." I refused to look at him in the face.

"I don't wanna fuck up our friendship. I value it." He stated. Every boy's typical answer.

"That's not a good enough excuse. Why the hell did you kiss me then?"

"I was in the moment. I shouldn't have done it. I'm sorry if you thought it was repulsive or something." 

I let out a uncontrollable and sarcastic laugh.

"Actually Jack, I thought the exact opposite. I actually enjoyed it."

His eyes widened as if he didn't expect me to say that.

"Oh.. Uh.." He became uncomfortable.

I began to regret telling him that I enjoyed the kiss. I was embarrassed for saying it.

"Whatever. You can go now." I shooed my hands in the direction of the door.

"Anna, I pulled back from the kiss because I don't want to mess this up."

"Mess what up?"

"This. Me living here. If your mom or brother knew that I had kissed you, do you know fast my ass would get kicked to the curb? I ran off because I was scared. Anna, you're a beautiful girl. But I can't have a relationship with someone that I live under the same roof as. I feel like you're more like a sister to me." 

I bit my lower lip. He was right. If my mom or Parker found out about our kiss, they wouldn't even hesitate to kick him out. They would think he was taking advantage of me or something like that.

But a sister? That's just fucking stupid.

"About that... My mom talked to me today and she wanted me to ask about your plans for the future. Do you plan on living here forever or? And she said you wake her up in the middle of the night when you come home. Start being more respectful, especially towards my Mother." 

Jack looked offended. 

"You know what, whatever. I gotta head out. I got a date with Penelope tonight. Can't be late. See you later, I guess." He stood up and swiftly moved his muscular body outside the front door. 

Great. A date with Penelope. 

Penelope was the biggest whore in the entire school. Actually she wasn't, I was just bitter.

To tell the truth, she was actually really nice. She was really pretty too.

That bitch.

But now I hate her.

Either way, I had felt like I had just been jabbed in my heart with a bread knife. 

Do you know how that feels? Not very good. Not very good at all.

A/N: I am absolutely obsessed with writing this story. I have so many things planned. It's going to get real exciting pretty soon! Thank you for reading. I truly appreciate it. It gives me motivation to keep writing. Also, please comment and rate it too! Stay tuned! :)

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