3. Homecoming

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It had been weeks since I last attempted to talk to Jack. My friends all thought I was extremely abnormal for even wanting to go talk to him in the first place. They all saw him as weird, creepy, stingy, and disturbing. But I felt that underneath all that dirt, there may be something beautiful, just waiting to be discovered. 

Today was Friday.

Today was also homecoming.

As always, I didn't get asked out to the dance that was taking place tonight in the school's gymnasium. But that wouldn't stop me from having fun with my friends. I was super excited to see what the night would bring us.

Little did I know how much this night would bring us.

My phone lit up. It was Waverly. "Hey girly! We'll be over in a few! Can't wait!" 

We all were going to get dressed and ready together.

A few minutes passed and my doorbell rang. I jolted downstairs to find Parker already greeting them. 

"Ladies, remember. If you see Anna with any boy tonight, call me." His muscular arm was leaning against the doorway as if he was trying to show off to them. He loved showing off, especially to my friends. He was such an attention whore. 

They all blushed and laughed. For some reason they were all in love with my brother. I found it awfully entertaining.

I moaned with agony. 

"Let's go upstairs, guys." I yelled. Alexis, Kristina, and Waverly followed as if they were lost puppies. They were all carrying their dresses, a bag full of cosmetics, hair supplies, and everything else they needed to get ready for the dance. 

"Can you believe none of us got dates?" Kristina whined.

Out of all my friends, Kristina was my least favorite. She just bothered me in so many ways. Her voice, her snarky comments, her attitude towards life. Everything about her was just so.. obnoxious. 

However, I did think it was odd that none of us got dates. We weren't the hottest girls in school, but we definitely weren't the ugliest either. 

"Whatever. We don't need boys. Boys need us. Just wait till they see us tonight. They'll be all over us! Ain't that right ladies?" Waverly winked and did a slut drop to the ground. We all laughed together. 

At our school there weren't many attractive boys. I could probably count all the cute guys on one hand, which is pretty sad.

"Hey, Anna. Did you hear that Gianna is bringing Cameron to the dance?" Kristina asked. In a way, she looked as if she was meaning to make me feel bad.

Oh god.

My brain began to hurt thinking about all the possible things that could possibly go wrong.

Me, my ex-boyfriend, and his new girlfriend all in the same room? This was a recipe for disaster.

"I kinda figured. They are dating.." I laughed it off. I started to wonder why Kristina would always bring him up in the first place. 

"I know! I'm just hoping you'll be ok. You haven't seen him since... that night..." She was referring to the night I walked in on Gianna and him aggressively swapping saliva. 

"I'll be fine. Let's just start getting ready." I stated, hoping to change the uncomfortable topic.


Hours passed and we were finally ready. Us girls take forever to get ready, incase you didn't know. 

We all stood together, shoulder to shoulder, in the full length mirror and took in what we saw.

I was wearing a short teal dress with sequins around the top, my hair was half up half down, and I had a decent amount of makeup covering my face. 

"Damn." Waverly exclaimed. "We're hot." She flipped her hair and posed with pursed lips like a fish.

We all laughed. 

"Hell yeah we are." I said, closely examining my body up and down. 

We all went downstairs where we were greeted by my Mom who already had her camera out, just waiting to snap a few photos of us. 

"Oh girls. You all look so beautiful! I can't believe this is your last homecoming dance! All of you, get together! Let's take some pictures." She motioned her hand for us to get close together. She took a solid fifty photos of us. 

She started sobbing as we walked out the front door. Leave it to my Mom to be emotional over every little part of my life. 

"Are you crying?" I asked as if it wasn't obvious.

"Oh no, it's just.. It's your guys' last homecoming! I want you all to have fun. You all look marvelous. Make it a good night, okay?." She said as tears rolled down her face endlessly. I gave her a hug of reassurance and patted her back. 

"Love you. I'll be back around 12." I whispered into her ear. 

"Woah, where in the hell do you think you're going in that young lady?" Parker asked, grabbing my arm, pulling me inside. I slid my arm out of his muscular grip and hopped in the car. 

"Bye Parker!" I said in an antagonizing tone.

As much as I hated how protective Parker was of me and the choices that I made, I appreciated it. It meant that he cared about me, which felt nice and comforting. 

Waverly drove us to our school. When we arrived, there was a huge red carpet that led to the beautifully decorated gymnasium. 

As we were walking to the gym, we passed the garden. I looked over, expecting to see nothing, but hoping I would see something. 

There he was.

Laying on the bench with his arms behind his neck and legs crossed. His eyes were closed. He looked extremely peaceful. Yet, he was still in the same stingy clothes as always. Not a thing had changed.

For some damn reason I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He was just so fascinating to look at.

"Don't even think about it." Waverly whispered into my ear. She gave me a look of warning. 

"Think about what?" I asked, pretending not to know what she was talking about.  

She motioned her eyes towards Jack then back to me. 

"Just no." She said, shaking her head. 

I couldn't help but feel so bad for him. Here we are, all dressed up in formal clothes on the night of our annual homecoming dance, and there he was, laying in the school's garden, by himself, dressed in clothing that looked like they belonged in a garbage can.


"Anna! Do you want some punch?" Kristina screamed into my ear. I could hardly hear her due to the loud music playing.

"Yes please!" 

Waverely grabbed my hand and twirled me around.

"I got the hottest date tonight!" She laughed. I joined in. I watched as her laugh slowly fades into a concerned expression. My heart began to beat fast.

"Wanna go to the bathroom?" She asked with her eyes wide open, focused behind me.


"Cameron and Gianna just got here." 

A/N: This chapter is mostly just a filler. Promise you, it'll get better. :) Hope you're enjoying so far!! I really am loving writing this!

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