40. Beg For It

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"Pass me a hit."  I moaned, snatching the rolled up blunt from David's hands. David was my new boyfriend. Actually, he wasn't really my boyfriend. I just used him for the free drugs and the good sex. 

Oh, I should probably rewind a bit, huh? Where did we leave off? Oh, two months ago. Waverly's funeral.

Got it. 

Two months may not seem like a long time, but tons of things have changed since that day...

Jeremy went to jail because he was carrying LSD in his back pocket. After I went to my car, Jeremy and Sammy fist fought. Cops were then called to break up the fight and they ended up searching the two of them. Luckily for Sammy, he wasn't carrying any illegal substances at the time and managed to not get arrested. I thought Jeremy was sober from drugs, but it turns out that I was wrong. He's still in jail but is set for release in the next couple of weeks. I told Jeremy about David when I went to see him during visiting hours one day and he completely flipped out on me. He said something along the lines of, "What the hell happened to you? You're a mess." Ever since then, I haven't had the decency to check back up on him. I could honestly care less.  

Jack and Penelope are as close as ever. He even bought her a promise ring, promising to "get married" to her after they both go to college. Lame, right? JJ and Jack's internet fame really took off. They were both making a lot of money. To no surprise at all, Jack was never home. He was always either with Penelope or JJ. I don't remember the last time I even saw him. One week? Two weeks? A month? I can't remember. I never go to school anymore so I never see him there either. I'm not even sure how I feel about Jack anymore. I think it's for the best that we both moved on from another. I didn't love him anymore, but I didn't hate him either. It was a very mutual feeling. I spent the majority of my days wondering what my life would be like if he was still in it. 

As for me, I recently got into doing all types of drugs. Marijuana, crack, heroin, ecstasy. You name it, I did it. Doing drugs made me feel at peace for a very short minute. My only regret is not getting into them earlier. My life is so much better because of them. Like I said earlier, David is my new boyfriend. But, I really don't like him that much. He's abusive and makes me feel... not important. However, he gives me free drugs and the sex is fantastic. Also, I really have no friends anymore. Since Kristina and Waverly died, Alexis has distanced herself away from me. I truly was all by myself. All I had was David, drugs, and my dog, Wave.

As you can see, a lot has changed. 

A lot. 

"Anna, get the fuck over here." David screamed viciously from across the other side of his house. I jumped up from the rickety hardwood floor and swiftly made my way over to him. I knew that if I didn't get to him fast, he would punish me, like he always did.

"What, babe?" I whispered seductively, trailing my finger across his bare chest. David was tall, dark haired, dark skinned, and extremely muscular. His goal in life was to become a successful bodybuilder. Considering he takes steroids on a daily basis, that shouldn't be a problem for him. I, however, really was not attracted to him one bit. Plus, he was twentynine years old. Way too old for me. In a way, I was trapped. If I wanted to break up with him, I'm almost certain he wouldn't allow it. Only God knows what he would do to me if I tried to leave him. 

"Come sit on this dick." He demanded, biting down on his lower lip.

"David, we just had sex like, thirty minutes ago. Let me rest for a little longer." I said underneath my breath. Like I said, the sex was good, it's just that he always wanted to do it. He treated me like I was his personal sex slave. 

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