23. Cozy Memories

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I awoke to find myself lying on Jack's shoulder. I was wrapped in a soft, teal, blanket that the bus provided. I looked up with my eyes to find Jack resting his head on top of mine. He was asleep too. I glanced out the window and watched the sun rise with pleasure. 

There's something so beautiful about early mornings. They're rejuvenating. Getting to watch the sun rise was a privilege. The iridescent pinkish yellow of the early morning sun was a beautiful sight. 

I felt at peace. My life was seamlessly perfect. I had no reason to complain about anything. I was with the one I love and that's all that mattered to me. How could I complain? 

Jack's heavy breathing lifted my resting head with the speed of his breath. Our body's were almost in sync. I stared at Jack who was sound asleep. Watching Jack sleep was peaceful, it made me feel at ease. His arm was loosely wrapped around my body. 

I began to rub my hand in circles across his rock hard stomach. His eyes slowly opened and he let out a loud yawn, which quickly turned into a smile. "Good morning." He said, stroking my hair. 

"Sleeping beauty! You're finally awake!" I said.

Jack let out a quiet laugh and his eyes transitioned to looked out the window. "We gotta be almost there.. We probably have two hours or so left." His eyes connected with mine. I couldn't quite tell what color his eyes were. In some light, they looked like a soft green. But right now, they looked like a deep brown, the color of milk chocolate. "You know, this is perfect." 

"What is?" 

"This moment. Right here. Right now. I'm traveling the world with the most beautiful girl." He smacked his lips against my cheek. 

Jack made me feel important. When I was with him, I felt needed. He made my self esteem rise to uncharted levels. He made me feel like I was the only girl in the entire world. 

A deep, manly, voice loudly emerged over the speakers. "Good morning. Welcome to Tennessee! We will be arriving to our destination in approximately one hour. Thank you for traveling with RedEx and have a great day." 

"Wanna play a game?" Jack asked with enthusiasm. 

"What kind of game?" I ruffled my fingers through his dark, thick, hair. 

"You tell me a fact about yourself. I'll tell you a fact about me. Repeat." He didn't wait for me to answer. Instead, he continued. "I'll go first. I'm allergic to bananas." 

I let out a small giggle and said, "Okay.. Um.. My biggest fear is the future."

"Why is that?" He asked, while gently gliding his hand up and down my arm. 

"It's unknown. The future is a mystery. It's scary to think about." I said.

"That was deep." He laughed. "Okay my turn. I'm in love with a girl named Anna Porter." 

Although I knew we loved each other, I don't recall him ever actually telling me. Butterflies began to flutter in my stomach. 

I set my lips upon his and gave him a soft kiss. Under my breath, I mumbled, "And I'm in love with a boy named Jack Gilinsky."

Jack smiled and continued to kiss me. It was the kiss that reassured our feelings for one another. Smiling while kissing is one of the most happiest and tranquil moments you will ever experience throughout life. Happiness and love. Two of the best things at once. 

As time passed, I fell asleep once again. 

I had a dream. It consisted of my Mother finding out about my disappearance. There were posters of my face plastered all over the city. People assumed I had been kidnapped or murdered. Waverly became depressed and dropped out of high school. My Mom became so unstable that she had to go on a suicide prevention program. 

I woke up with a headache. As real as the dream felt, I knew it wasn't true. I just had to keep telling myself that I made the right decision.

"We're here." Jack said. I groggily looked out the window to discover fresh snow lying on the ground. I wasn't prepared to dress for cold weather. I shivered at the thought.

We got off the bus and went inside to get our tickets for the next bus ride. If everything was on schedule, we would be leaving Tennessee in no less than thirty minutes.

"Next." An older lady with an unfriendly voice called out from behind the desk. "How may I help you two?"

"Two tickets to Boca Raton, Florida please." Jack said, reaching for his wallet. 

"I'm sorry. Bus 65A to Boca Raton, Florida has been delayed for thirty six hours due to the excess amount of snow fall." She let out a fake smile and screamed, "Next!"

Jack turned around and looked at me. He didn't know what to do. This wasn't a part of his plan. However, it didn't bother me. It was just a bump in the road. "There's a motel right around the corner. It'll be okay." I said. 

We headed out into the snow storm and eventually made our way to the motel. The lobby was fairly small, but extremely cozy. It had a homey vibe. 

"Hi, are there any rooms available for the night?" I asked the older man sitting behind the counter. He was reading the newspaper.

"For you two youngins? Why of course. That'll be thirty three dollars." I handed him forty dollars in cash. 

"Room 230. Stay warm, kiddos." He placed two keys in my hand. 

We went to the second floor of the hotel and found our room. I slid the key through the slot and the light on the door flashed green, meaning it had unlocked. I swung the door open and dropped my bag on the floor. 

It was smaller than my room at home, but we could make it work. However, there was only one bed.

"I can sleep on the ground. I don't mind one bit." Jack said.

I giggled. "Don't be silly."

The cold air made my spine shiver. The hairs on my body arose from the chill. Jack turned on the heater. 

"This isn't too bad.." Jack said.

"Not at all! It's kind of cute. It's cozy." I said from the bathroom. I was changing into comfier clothes. 

"It's snowing pretty hard. I hope our bus doesn't get delayed even more. Fuck." I could tell Jack was beginning to stress.

He was like a little boy on Christmas morning, eager to open his presents. He just wanted to see Jeremy. 

"What if Jeremy doesn't like me?" I asked, throwing my hair into a messy bun. 

Jack smiled. "He's my identical twin. We're practically the same person. Trust me, he'll love you. Don't be nervous."

"What are we going to do for the next twenty four hours? We're basically trapped in here!" I complained.

I watched as Jack placed his hands behind his head, slowly licking his lips with satisfaction. "I think I've got an idea."

A/N: Next chapter might be a little steamy. Just a warning. ;)

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