17. Our Little Secret

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Jack's phone lit up from across the table and his face became flustered. He patted his mouth with a napkin and looked up at me, "Excuse, I gotta answer this." 

I took a peek at his screen and noticed it was Penelope.

"No problem." I smiled. 

I watched as Jack got up from the table and went in the backyard to answer the call.

Although I couldn't quite make out what he was saying, I could tell it wasn't good from the excessive hand movements and rolling of the eyes. He consistently shook his head in disgust of what she was saying. 

"You know what Penelope? I'm fucking done with you. I wish you the best in life. Goodbye." He yelled loud enough that I could hear him from inside. He pressed the end button, put his phone in his pocket, and came back inside. 

I quickly directed my eyes towards my plate, trying not to make it obvious that I was observing his conversation with Penelope. 

He sat down. 

"Everything okay?" I asked as if I didn't already know.

"Uh, no. I just broke it off with Penelope." He stabbed his turkey with a fork and shoved it in his mouth. 

Jack was extremely attractive when he was angry.

The way his muscles flexed.

The way his eyes concentrated.

The way his jaw clenched.

It turned me on. 

"Oh no.. I'm sorry to hear about that." I said.

"No, Anna. I'm sorry. She caused quite a scene and I take full responsibility for it. I shouldn't have invited her to come." He paused and looked down at Jason who was sipping on apple juice. Jack smiled and put one arm around his neck and the other on his head. "Sorry bout earlier kiddo." 

The way Jack interacted with little kids warmed my heart. He was so compassionate and caring towards them. Actually, he was like that to everyone he meets. He truly doesn't have one mean bone in his body. I knew that he would make a great father one day. 


There was only two hours of Thanksgiving left. Everybody had already left. My Mom, Parker, Parker's girlfriend, Jack, and I picked up the mess that everyone left behind. 

"Do you guys want to come midnight black Friday shopping with Parker, Amy, and me?" My Mom asked Jack and I.

Black Friday was the day after thanksgiving. All the stores have crazy Christmas sales and people go complete nuts over it.

I yawned. "I think I'm okay. I'm tired anyways."

"Yeah, me too. Thanks though Mrs. Porter." He smiled. 

"Your loss! Come on guys! We're gonna miss out on all the good deals!" My mom yelled to Parker and Amy. 

They followed her out to her garage.

We were home alone. 

I jumped up on the couch and let out a loud sigh. Jack followed and took a seat next to me. 

"Well today was... interesting." He stated.

"Definitely." I smiled. 

"Did I tell you how good you looked today yet?" 

"Yes, you did. But thanks again." My cheeks began to feel warm from his compliment. 

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