7. Drastic changes

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A loud pound on my bedroom door woke me up from my deep slumber.

"Coming." I mumbled. I rolled off the side of my bed, jumped up on my feet and made my way to the door. I eagerly swung it open. I was so happy it was finally the weekend.

Jack stood there in an old pair of Parker's pajamas, and his hair was swept back out of his face. I could finally see his whole face! I immediately could tell that he had showered as well. I sighed with relief and smiled brightly.

"Hi!" I opened my door, inviting him to come in. "What's up?"

"Oh nothing. I just woke up. Just wanted to see if you were awake!" He laughed awkwardly. "Got any plans for today?"

"Like I said yesterday, shopping! I figured it would be a good way to have fun out on the town." I smiled. "What do you think?"

Before he could even answer, My mom and Parker entered my room. This was the very first time Parker had seen Jack. I was nervous to watch them interact because of Parker's tendencies to scare every guy that comes over.

Parker's face was extremely intimidating. Jack's body straightened up at the sight of Parker. He cleared his throat.

"Jack, this is Parker, Anna's older brother." My mom said, shoving Parker in front of her. It was almost as if she was forcing Parker to be nice to Jack.

"Are those my pajamas?" He asked with a stern face.

"Oh, I-" Jack began to speak. He seemed afraid of Parker. His body language changed around him. I found it kind of cute in a way.

"Oh Parker, they're old. He needed something to wear." She scolded.

Jack reached out his right arm. "Sup, Parker. I'm Jack. Nice to meet you dude."

Parker looked down at Jack's hand with reluctance. He then shook it with a firm grasp. "Nice to meet you too Jack." He let out a smile. That was the very first time I had ever seen Parker smile to a boy in our home, ever.

"Anna, here's my credit card. Go take Jack shopping for some things, would you?" She pulled out her wallet and handed me her card. Jack laughed.

"What? Why're you laughing?" I asked.

"She's joking, obviously!" He expressed. The funny thing is, she wasn't.

"No, I'm not. I'm just trying to help you. You two have a wonderful day together, okay?" She left my room, Parker followed her.

"Later dweebs." He mumbled.

Jack's mouth remained on the floor. "That's insane. I can't let you guys spend money on me."

"Sorry! Mom's rules. Give me 45 minutes and I'll be ready." I said with a smirk.

"Okay." He stood there awkwardly.

"Uh..." I shooed my hands, motioning for him to get out of my room so I could change.

"Oh, right! Sorry!" He laughed and made a quick exit and shut my door behind him.


We pulled up to the mall. Considering it was Saturday afternoon, it was overcrowded. I glanced at him. "You ready?" I could tell he was nervous.

He looked down at me. "Oh, yeah! Let's go." He said with a reassuring fake smile. He jumped out of the car and we began to make our way to the entrance of the mall. "So what should we do first?"

I gave a distinct look at his hair and said, "I think I have an idea."

I led him to the barbershop.

"Hey! He need's a haircut. Do what you think would look best on him!" I yelled at the barber. The barber laughed and smiled. He gave me a thumbs up for reassurance. He took Jack to a chair in the back of the shop and began to work his magic.

Before I knew it, Jack emerged from the chair as a complete different person. His long, dirty, greasy hair was now short and perfectly styled. My mouth dropped. "Wow!" He looked good. Real good.

"You like?" He said. He kept looking at himself in the mirror with excitement. He was in disbelief.

"I love!" I replied. He looked so different. A good different. "Now, let's get you out of those clothes and into some new ones."

That day, we went to over twenty different stores. Before we knew it, we had spent over $2,000 (Which wasn't very much. Like I said before, my family was extremely rich because of my dad's successful cable company). I carried 8 bags, and Jack was carrying 11. Along with buying him a shit ton of new clothes, he also got his ears pierced and purchased a brand new iPhone. I practically had to force him to buy all this stuff because he felt bad using my Mom's money in the first place.

He was now dressed in a pair of dark jeans, a black tank top (which immensely complimented his defined muscles), and a pair of black vans. He was a completely different person. I found it hard to stop staring at him. I was in complete and utter awe. It was like one of those scenes in the movies where the girl see's a cute boy in the hallways at school in a slow motion type thing, if that makes any sense at all. I felt weird saying it, but he was hot now. Extremely hot. So hot that I get tingly and warm inside just thinking about it.

If you were to compare the Jack that was standing in front of me right now, to the Jack that I first saw; you wouldn't even be able to recognize him. He truly was beautiful. He looked like a GQ model. Who would of thought that some new clothes and a haircut could do so much?

I observed Jack looking at himself in a full body mirror. "Damn, I don't even look like me." He sure was right.

"Jack, you look amazing."

He smiled. "Thanks."

I looked in the corner of my eye and noticed a group of teenage girls mumbling and staring at Jack like he was a mouse and they were cats, just waiting to pounce on him. One bravely emerged from the group and directly approached him with confidence.

"Hi there." She said with a wink. Jack looked over his shoulder. You could tell he was confused at her introduction.

"Me?" He said with widened eyes. The girl laughed.

"Give me your phone."

Jack hesitantly handed over his phone. We watched as she entered in her number.

"Call me, cutie." She handed the phone back and ran over to her group of friends.

"What just happened?" Jack said. He licked his lips with satisfaction.

"Girls are going to be all over you now." I said. This was just the beginning of what was in store for him. Now that he looked like that, I knew he would be in every girl's center of attention.

You could definitely tell that Jack wasn't used to having many girl's attention though. He was awkward around them. I found it extremely funny to watch.

"Come on, let's go back home." I pulled his arm to the car with an eager smile. I stared at Jack as if he was mine. Actually, he was mine.

A/N: Ladies and Gentlemen, the new jack is emerging!! Just wait till you see what happens in the next coming chapters..

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