34. Going Down

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"Babe, you ready?" Jack yelled out from behind the other side of my bedroom door. I promptly finished up packing my bag, threw it over my shoulder, and walked out the door with a small grin. Jack and Jeremy stood there in the hallway patiently waiting for me. 

"Finally!" Jeremy cried in a childish tone. "I'm actually excited to go to school for once. I don't even remember the last time I stepped foot onto one." He laughed to himself. I watched as he checked out his appearance in the full length mirror that was hanging on the back of my door. He winked to himself and began to flex his biceps, even though a heavy sweatshirt was loosely covering them. 

I groaned. "You're such a loser." Even though I had only known Jeremy for a couple of days, I was completely comfortable with being myself around him. In a weird way, he felt like a brother to me. I centered my attention on Jack. I caught him staring at me, his lips were slightly curved at a small angle. "Good morning." I said softly, reaching my hand out to find his. 

Jack beamed. "Mornin'." He suddenly swept me up off my feet and cradled me like a father would carry their newborn. Jack's strength always impressed me. He was able to pick me up without even trying, as if I was as light as a feather. He pressed his lips against mine, moving them around in small, but passionate circles. I wanted the kiss to last for much longer than it did, but Jeremy intervened. 

"Come on. Get a room." He said, tugging Jack's arm. Jack gently dropped me back down onto the floor. As happy as I was with having Jeremy living with us, it made it difficult for Jack and I to have much time to ourselves. 

We walked down the flight of stairs and out the front door. The air was so cold that I could see my own breath spilling out of my mouth. Jack spoke from behind me, "Can I drive?" I turned around without hesitation and threw him the keys to my car. He grinned ear to ear. His smile was a dazzling white, the color of fresh snow. 

Jack opened my door for me and I crawled in the passenger seat. Jeremy sat in the back. I clasped my hands close together to try to stay warm. Immediately after Jack started the car, I moved the heater to full blast. The feeling of the warm air made my body rejuvenate with energy. 

As I peered unconsciously outside the window, watching the moving scenery fly by, I realized that we only had two days of school left until our winter break. Christmas was just in a couple of days. I began to get giddy just by thinking about it.

"Are there any hot girls at this school?" Jeremy called out from the back seat, redirecting my attention towards him. I positioned my body around to look at him. 

"You're looking at her." I joked.

Jack chuckled to himself. "That's for damn sure." He snickered, licking his lips. 

"Haha. Real funny, you two. You already know if my brother wasn't dating you, you would be all mine." Jeremy said with confidence. He nodded his head up and down, while deeply staring at me with his mysterious green eyes.

"Uh, that was uncalled for. It'd be wise of you to keep your mouth shut if you're gonna say things like that around me, bro."Jack stated gravely. Jack's sense of authority turned me on to no end. He's extra sexy when he takes control. 

Jeremy laughed it off. "Oh come on, it was a joke! Lighten up a bit." Like I said before, I was beginning to think of Jeremy as a brother to me. The only thing that I really did not like about him what his tendency to always hit on me. It was uncalled for.

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