31. Home is Where The Heart is

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They say that you don't know what you have until it's gone. You should appreciate what you have, before it becomes what you had. This adventure has been an eye opening experience for me. I have learned more about myself in the past four days than I could of ever imagined. I didn't feel like a little girl anymore.

Actually, I wasn't a little girl anymore.

I was now a woman who was capable of being in control of my own life, my own decisions, and my own future. I am the pilot of my own life; I should steer it into whatever direction I want to.

We all make mistakes, but those mistakes teach us life lessons and help shape us into the person we are today. Therefore, I don't regret any of my mistakes.

Was telling my Mom that I hate her a mistake?


Did I regret it?

No, because I learned from that mistake of taking my family for granted. I now see the true value of family and how important it really is. I was blessed to be given the family that I have. Although it took me awhile to realize this, I now fully understand the importance of family. 

I let out a small sigh and rested my head on the window besides me. 

What about Waverly? I hope she would be able to forgive me for abandoning her. But knowing Waverly and her dramatic tendencies, she would be extremely disappointed with my decision to runaway with Jack. She would think it was childish and immature. 

The more I thought about my friends and family, the more excited I was to arrive in Omaha. Only ten more hours of bus riding and we would be there. I smiled at the thought. I could hardly contain myself. There really is no place like home. It was odd how eager I was to sleep in my own bed and shower in my own shower. It's all things that I took for granted before. 

I peered over at the boys to find Jeremy flirting with an older girl that was sitting across the aisle from him. My eyes then transitioned to Jack who was unconsciously singing lyrics to a song that he was listening to through his headphones. To my surprise, he was actually not that bad of a singer. 

I tugged one of the earphones out from his ear and whispered, "You do know you're singing extremely loud right now, right?" Jack's eyes widened and he gazed at me. His mouth formed a shy smile and his cheeks were as red as a freshly picked apple from an orchard. 

"Shit." He sunk lower in his seat from embarrassment. For some reason, he was humiliated that I heard him sing. I had never seen him like this before. It was adorable. 

"It's nothing to be embarassed about, babe. It was good. I didn't know you could sing! How come you've never told me that?" I positioned my body towards jack and started to drag my finger up and down his arm. 

"I don't know. I guess I never really told anybody because I'm not even good. Thanks though, Anna." Jack firmly pressed his lips onto mine and gently caressed my face.

He then laid his head back on the headrest and closed his eyes.

I stared at him in awe.

How did I get so god damn lucky? 

I too closed my eyes and eventually fell asleep.


The faint sound of chatter woke me up from my deep and peaceful slumber. I must of been asleep for quite a bit, considering that it was now dark outside. I opened my eyes to find Jack and Jeremy chatting, quite loudly might I add. They were bickering over whether the color of their childhood house was white or tan.

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