... outwardness

19 1 0

I'm trapped within my own body

Yet I know the doors of exit

The vase had broken too many times to be repaired

Life can't reach me, no more voices, no more thoughts

That's when I realized pain drove me crazy as I laughed and cried at the same time

Everything has been shut down from tonight

Lights will be revolving around me and I'll mistake them for people

When have they ever been there in the first place?

I've gone out of myself I'm not in control anymore

This body feels too big to hold such a small crushed, crouching soul

Things are too bright around me I'll keep my eyes closed from now on

I was not the one who transgressed against myself but I let the world transgress me

If only the pain was just about one petty thing

Everyone won't be saved from themselves most of the time

Because they need their own strength

If only I could keep writing and not hear my own thoughts that remind me of crying

If only I could keep on forever writing

Pensée Of Anemones जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें