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Shall I tell you a story?
That of the ungrateful tree.
He dreamed to be as high as the skies, the canopy

And everytime he reached a milestone
He would greedily ask for even more

Then he was granted again way to his greed.

But was that enough? Never the tree wanted to become part of the clouds, the horizon and the azur

None of which never really wished for a mere tree to become their equal, rather he was their enemy.

Then the tree was granted again this wish but as soon as he met the skies
His trunk had become too thin to support him below

So he broke and became tinier than its shrub siblings

But he didn't want to believe he couldn't regain his original height

So blinded by regret he sought forgiveness but he knew really how to become like before...

Patience again until he grows, but this time he can't soar

So small he remains, but his greed not that is,

But determined it is, the remorseful, obstinate tree.

Pensée Of Anemones जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें