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How many hits will it take for me to understand?

How many times will they need to betray me for me to realize that all the times I warned them of my heartaches, all that consideration, was of no use?

Why am I always the one left with the heartache to wonder at when it'll go away?

How many disappointments will it take for me to realize one damn time?

Do their ears even hear what the hell their mouths say?

What lame, cowardly excuses they make?

It's like suffocating under a dark thread of dread

So light you can overcome it yet so heavy it's hard for you to escape it

It's like trying to scream at their face louder each time

Why they hurt you and how they hurt you

But their pride, their selfishness won't allow them to hear

They'll hide behind a fake embrassement

Especially when they are the smarter ones who recognize evil that's done unto them

The same evil they inflict on you

They know this and they know each other

They comment on each other's behavior but they never change

They cannot be at fault because they appear sensitive enough

Because they know better how not to hurt

They are fools

But you're a bigger fool

Pensée Of Anemones Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora