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I can talk but I'm not heard
I want to talk but I'm silenced
My voice is of no use so I'm as good as mute

There's no one to knock on the door of my heart to ask me my feelings, they all keep assuming.

They tighten my space  so much around me I can't breath
I feel caught between sharks yet I am of one them

They are the ones ready to eat me but they keep delaying my end

I keep redeeming my heart hoping I can withstand

I make myself forget so much its become a part of me so I forsake myself

When no part of me is left anymore is it going to be enough?

When the brightest faces are they ones unthoughtful or judging yet their carefree nature makes you loose your guard.

What's worth fighting anymore? Should you even protect yourself or give in?

Will it be enough when you give your all away?

Will they ever get satisfied at all or should you stay the one unsatisfied and neutral?

Pensée Of Anemones जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें