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Oh how stupid of me to think yet again!

Wasn't it enough excuse not to lean in again last time?

Oh how foolish of me to wait again!

Wasn't it enough to know they only choose to care when they want last time?

Oh how desperate of me to hold in pain!

Wasn't it enough how my chest almost burst last time?

Oh how mean of me to berate myself over and over again!

Even my words irritate me every time I repeat myself, my feelings, my emotions, my mistakes.

Oh but what will be left for me to judge or comment when I'm sure I've lived long enough to understand the filth of human nature?

Especially when they decide they know you better than yourself.

I may have crossed the line of sanity to foolishness so much so I became an inhabitant of that land.

Oh how mental of me to not recognize another mental one like myself?

Pensée Of Anemones Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon