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From the beginning to the end it was all a delusion.

From when you wonder wether we fall alone or together or at the same time ,
It all comes down to the end.

Wether before falling we were tripped to fall or fell on your own , what would it matter if the end is not what is desired ?

Maybe while falling , if together or alone, we could land on something soft and tender .

Or something cold and hard.

Or keep helplessly falling into a dark endless hole.

But then that would be when you are on your own.

From the end when those who knew they are going to get injured still tries it out, then surely they are the best of us.

Or is it that they are the most desperate or the most happy ? They are probably the ones that are the strongest and the fighters. Until they become the captives and there's no way out but admittance.

Then should you have given up from the beginning or was it you that initiated the fall ?

Did you do it on purpose or did you fall on your own ?

Even then the feeling, from whomever it is , it's fierceness dies down sometime to give birth to the tender remainder of a delusion.

When you thought you weren't the only one falling down and you forgot to bring me down.

Or was it that in the end you didn't but you couldn't.
Maybe then you are the best of us all.
And Maybe that's where the whole mystery lies.
From everything that makes it beautiful to all the rest that makes it frightening.

It the end it's a comfortable feeling to come to whenever it feels too lonely.
To fall in love

From the beginning to the end it's the quiet feeling you nurture in your soul.

It's the pleasure of loving to love.

Even though it's the same one that could fool people into obsession.

Then if that's so should I wish for the person I love to fall or shall I be the one to let myself fall ?

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