"Yeah, you're right you won't get hurt. Because I'm coming with you and some prospects," I frowned what the hell is a prospect? I shook my head.

I'll asked later.

"No, this is something I have to do alone." I said trying to plead with him.

He shook his head "No, I'm not going to let you go in to the wood alone while you're carrying a baby,"

I shook my head "I'm not going alone. Bri is going with me," I stated.

You see, no one knows where my grandpa lives. But me, he made sure to only tell me and some cousin's because he was a second father to me. But he wanted a place where I could go and seek comfort away from people. He was my rock. I often thought of him but it's hard to get a hold of him since he lived deep in the woods.

"Yes, because two girls going to the woods. Without protection, makes me feel a lot better." He hissed out.

Shaking my head I pulled away from him "We will be perfectly safe. Nothing will happen to us," I said grabbing my bag as I walking out the room.

I heard him follow me out "What's at the cabin?"

I sighed I couldn't tell him. My grandpa made it clear that no one was to know where he lived but me. I was surprised when he even gave the okay for Brianna to come with me whenever I go. "Nothing, just a cabin," I said shrugging.

"If it's just a cabin. Why are you so hell bent on not tell me who is going to be there?" He insisted crossing his arms over his chest while he blocked the door.

I glared at him "can you please not do this now,"

He met my glare "Is that little fuck prick going to be there? Is that it," he snapped.

His eyes turned cold and I realized that I didn't know Strider the way I thought I did. That's only because you've only seen his sweet side. Not this one. I swallowed a lump that was forming and took a step back "w-what are you talking about?" I asked.

"That dick that knocked you up!" He yelled stepping forward my eyes went wide as I looked at him.

I felt my eyes start to water. He was starting to scary me. I think if he wanted to. He could hurt me "don't yell at me," I whispered taking another step back.

He narrowed his eyes at me "then tell me why I can't go? Huh!" he yelled some more "That stupid cunt is going to be there huh?" he stepped closer to me "You're going to go fuck him again. Aren't you!"

I gasped when he said that. The next thing I knew my hand went flying slapping him across the face. "How dare you judge me like that," he was in his shocked state. I took this time to run out the door and down the stairs.

Just as I was about to get to the bottom. I heard him storming after me. My heart started to race why did I just do that? I looked around for Frank once I found him I rushed that way, "Frank!" My voice was strained.

He turned to look at me when he saw how I looked he frowned. I threw myself in his arms "Make him stop," I sobbed. Then I got mad at myself because of the hormones.

"What are you talking about?" he asked rubbing my back.

"So you're just going to slap me and walk away," Strider snapped behind me. Frank push me behind him.

"Maybe she wouldn't have slapped you if didn't yell at her." Frank meeting his tone.

"I wouldn't be yelling at her. If she just tell me who the fuck is going to be at that cabin of hers!" Strider hissed looked at me.

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