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Denver wasn't a long trip, and Emilia assured me everything would be fine. Harry had been in the studio recording for the past few days so I mostly only talked to him through texts. He was happy I was going with him and so was I.

Macy stopped by and told me she'd kind of went on a real date with Mitch. We gossiped like school girls for hours. Then she bit her lip nervously.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"I really like him, but I can tell he's hiding something." She said.

"Mitch seems like a good guy." I shrugged.

"I don't really have the best relationship record." She sighed. "I just don't want to set myself up for failure."

"I don't think you would be. He seems sweet."

She nodded. "He is sweet."

"I'm going to Denver with Harry this weekend." I told her.

"Oh?" She raised her eyebrows. "That's exciting."

"I'm nervous." I said softly.


"I don't know. He's just, Harry Styles, he has the album and music and, well, I'm just me. It's a business trip and I feel like I might get in his way." I bit my lip.

She actually laughed. "In his way? That's hilarious."

"It is not!"

"Anna Marie he wouldn't have invited you unless he wanted you to go." She said. "You're being ridiculous."

"I don't know I just feel kind of insecure. We just started to, ya know, and I'm sure he could get any girl he wanted." I shrugged.

"He picked you though." She smiled.

"I guess." I sighed. "I'm just being stupid. So, tell me where Mitch actually took you."

She told me about this nice restaurant and how he took her to this old speak easy type bar. Macy was practically swooning as she talked about him. It was so cute hearing her talk about him and get all giddy. I haven't seen her like that in years. He better not screw that up. I'll go for his knee caps if he does.

Once she left I sat down with Emilia and Gram in the living room. Emilia talked about this new boy she's been talking to and Gram gave her the third degree. Then we watched some tv and Gram hummed an unfamiliar little tune.

"Hey Gram?" I asked.

"Yes Dear?" She answered.

"How did you meet Gramps?" I asked her remembering the things she'd told Harry.

She smiled a soft smile. "He was a bartender at the club I used to sing in. He had just moved here with his dad and had this accent. Sounded a lot like your Harry."

I felt my chest tighten when she called him my Harry. "So you met in the bar?"

"He served me drinks between my sets. We started talking about music and we had a similar taste for things. He invited me to a party at his friends house and I went. That was our first date." She smiled again. "Romantic fool bought me flowers and picked me up. He insisted on opening every door for me. I felt like the queen when we were together, because he always did things like that."

I smiled hearing her speak so fondly of him. "What was he like?"

"He had the accent of course, and dressed like everyone else in the seventies. Corduroy and bell bottoms were all the rage." She laughed. "He had blue eyes and long dark brown hair. His cheeks had the cutest little dimples when he smiled."

"Sounds like he was very handsome." Emilia said.

"He was one of a kind." Gram smiled. "I loved him more than anything."

"How did he propose?" I asked.

She laughed. "He didn't really."

"What!" Emilia exclaimed.

"Hugh Towns wasn't a man of control. He went with the flow." She sighed. "We'd been living together for a while but I was hardly home. We had a disagreement and I was angry and I remember yelling, when will you wise up and marry me. The following Sunday we were married."

"That's kind of beautiful." I smiled. "What did you wear?"

"I still have my dress." She smiled. "My friend helped me pick it out. It was simple and lacy. The color was aged white and it was long sleeved. I was barefoot and held sunflowers and roses."

"Sounds gorgeous and absolutely you." I said looking at her smiling. "You never thought about marriage after he passed?"

She shook her head. "Never even crossed my mind. I only had eyes for my Hugh. No one else could ever come close."

I felt that tightness in my chest again. I know it seems crazy, but I hope that's how I feel about Harry. I want to sit down someday and tell my grandchildren that I only had eyes for him and that he was the love of my life. Gram started to cough and I was pulled back to reality.

"Are you okay?" Emilia patted her back softly.

"Just an old bat." Gram chuckled. "I think I might need to lay down."

"I might have a nap too." I smiled. "I'm leaving for Denver tomorrow with Harry."

Gram smiled. "Have so much fun Anna Marie."

"I will." I smiled. "Enjoy your nap Gram."

Once she'd been settled in I stood in the doorway of the kitchen. I watched as Emilia made herself a sandwich. She looked tired.

"You can take off if you want." I offered. "I can watch her. I'll be here all day."

"It's okay." She gave me a smile. "I just had a late night studying and FaceTiming Ben."

"Where is Ben from?" I asked.

"San Diego, but he goes to school with me. We have bio chemistry together."

"You like him?" I asked.

"He's sweet and he's gorgeous so what's not to like." She laughed. "He makes me happy even when my day is exhausting."

"That's all that matters." I laughed.

"Does Harry make you happy?" She asked. "I saw the looks when you were listening to your grandma talk, you were thinking of him."

I nodded. "He does make me happy."

"Well, that's all that matters." She smiled. "Want a sandwich?"

I shook my head. "I think I want to watch some trash tv while I pack for my trip. You in?"

She nodded. "I'll help!"

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