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It'd been a week since the argument with Harry. He never called or showed up to say sorry. Neither did I though, so I'm just as much to blame. I can't stop thinking about him. They always say absence makes the heart grow fonder.

I don't know about fonder, but it's definitely making me crazier. I stalked his Instagram and other social media. I double texted him and got no response. I even tried to call him today. There was complete radio silence.

So as of today I'm worrying only about myself. Macy came over to watch a Laverne and Shirley marathon with Gram, Emilia, and I. We all had spaghetti for dinner, and I turned off my phone. Today is a stress free day. Well it was until about seven in the evening.

There was a knock on the door so Macy went to answer it. Emilia and I were laughing with Gram and lounging on the couch. Macy seemed annoyed when she rejoined us and whispered something to Gram. Gram sighed and looked at me then nodded to Macy.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"You're parents are at the door." Macy rolled her eyes. "I told them that I had to make sure Sue was okay with them being here before I let them in."

"What are they doing here?" I asked.

"You said you'd been ignoring their calls, maybe they got worried." Emilia offered.

I let out a humorless laugh. "My parents don't do worried. You'll see."

"I'll let them in, but I'm leaving." Macy said. "I don't wanna say something that will upset you. If you need anything call me."

She passed out hugs, and went back to the door. A few seconds later my mother came rushing into the room. Dad was close behind her holding all the bags. They both looked more annoyed than worried. Mom had a crazy look in her eyes and Dad was practically seething.

"What business does Macy Conner have answering your door Mom?" Dad asked.

"She was just passing by and was nice enough to get it for us. We're watching Laverne and Shirley." Gram patted the couch beside her.

"We didn't fly across the country to watch tv!" My mom snapped coldly at her. "Anna Marie you need to get packed up. School starts back next week, and we will not stand by and watch you throw your life away."

"Mom I'm not go-"

She cut me off. "That wasn't a choice."

"Misti you need to calm down." Gram said. "You're going to give yourself a stroke. Anna Marie is just fine out here."

"Susan, with all due respect she is my daughter and you will not be giving anymore input." Mom glared at Gram. "I'm not here to play games. Now Anna Marie go pack. We have a flight back tomorrow."

"No." I crossed my arms. "I told you I'm not going back and I meant it."

"Classes start next week. I called the dean three days ago! You signed up for these classes and you're going to take them." Mom was raising her voice.

"Mom I'm not happy there. I don't even think I want to go back to school." I said.

"You are absolutely not dropping out!" She shouted.

"What if I did Mom? Wouldn't you still support me doing what I want? Doing what makes me happy?" I asked.

"Anna Marie you're still young, you don't know what makes you happy yet dear." Dad offered a sad smile. "Just go pack up."

"Absolutely not." I shook my head. "I'm staying here with Gram."

"Anna Marie Towns, you are not staying in California!" Mom shrieked. "Go pack your things."

"I'm dropping out of school. I want to stay here with Gram. Macy lives out here and I've missed her. I want to work on myself and I just want to be happy. Being here makes me happy." I said trying to make her understand.

"You'll end up just like Paul!" Mom snapped.

Everything got eerie quiet. I could see Gram fidgeting with her fingers waiting for the fallout. I didn't often talk about my brother or how his death effected me, but I wasn't going to let my mother stand here and talk ill of him.

"What did you just say?" I asked clenching my teeth together so hard I thought they might shatter in my mouth.

"If you drop out and stay here you'll end up just like Paul. You'll end up on drugs and eventually dead." Mom said harshly. "Is that what you want?"

"Misti!" Gram snapped having had enough of this.

"No, it's okay Gram." I smiled at her. "Mom, I will not be going anywhere with you. I'll certainly not be standing here listening to you talk bad about my brother. But most of all I can't believe you'd say that to me."

"Anna Marie you need to think ab-"

I cut her off this time. "Paul's death had nothing to do with California! He was so busy trying to please you two he was drowning himself! Eventually he realized nothing he ever did would be good enough for you so he stopped trying and that's what killed him. Not the drugs! This toxic family environment, and I'll be fucking damned if I do the same!"

"Anna Marie don't raise your voice to your mother!" Dad gave me a look.

"I won't," I looked and Gram. "I'll call you soon."

"Where are you going?" Mom asked.

"That's none of your business."

"Anna Marie," Dad put his hand out to stop me. "What are you doing? You need to think about this, because if you aren't in that flight tomorrow we're cutting you off."

"I'm doing the only thing I'm good at Dad. I'm leaving." I pushed past him and walked out the front door to find Macy sitting in her car waiting for me.

She gave me a sad smile and rolled her window down. "Need a ride?"

I nodded. "Just take me to your place. I need away from them."

As we drove I thought about what Harry had said. His words about me leaving ringing in my ears. This was a stupid fight, and it was all my fault. I was fucking everything up. And for what? I was the family disappointment and Gram was dying. Now I was a dropout who was getting cut off. I didn't have Harry, and the only person I really wanted to call and talk about it with was him. I knew he wouldn't answer though, because I'd already fucked that up too.

"It's going to be okay." Macy squeezed my leg as she drove.

"How do you know?" I asked as tears slid down my cheeks.

"Because you always tell me it will and it is." She smiled. "And if it's not then I'm right here."

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