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In the light of a new day I stretched my arms above my head. My back popped and I yawned. Sleeping on this couch was killing me.

I called Gram and she said my parents were finally giving up on me changing my mind. They had a flight home today in the afternoon and they weren't rescheduling anymore. I told her I'd come back once they were in the sky. She let me talk to Emilia for a little bit then we ended the call.

Macy got up and didn't say much. She made some avocado toast and scrolled through her phone. I watched her like a hawk for any clues as to what had really happened last night.

"Stop that." She looked up at me suddenly.

"Stop what?" I asked.

"Looking at me like I'm under a microscope. I'm fine and it's over Anna Marie." She said chomping into her toast. "Drop it."

I shrugged. "Fine."

"Are you going to stay here while I go to work, or do you want dropped off at your Gramma's?" Macy asked.

"Actually," I clicked my tongue. "Can you drop me off at Harry's?"

She cocked her head. "Oh?"

"He called me last night and we talked awhile. I want to see him." I said.

"Sure I'll take you." Macy said. "But you call me if you want to leave and I'll come get you. I don't care if I'm at work or not, okay?"

I nodded. "Okay."


Macy dropped me off in front of Harry's villa and a knot formed in my stomach. I hadn't called to make sure he still wanted me here. Maybe I should've called first. Macy had sped off because she was running late as always. Hell, she'd practically just slowed down to five miles an hour and shoved me out at the curb.

Now I was shifting my weight in front of Harry's door. He might still be sleeping. It was only eleven and he'd clearly had a rough night last night. Sighing to myself I lifted my hand and knocked on the door.

Harry yanked open the door without a shirt on and a smile in place on his lips. "I wondered how long you'd stand out here before you knocked."

"You were watching me?"

He chuckled. "Thought you were talking yourself out of coming."

I shook my head. "I was just worried you would be hung over or sleeping still."

"I'm alright, come inside." He stepped aside to let me slide by.

As I passed him my body was close enough to feel the heat from his. My stomach bottomed out and I glanced up at his eyes to see him already looking down at me. Usually I'd feel nervous in a situation like this, but not today. Harry made me happy and I wasn't running from the fear of borrowed time with him.

"You have the greenest eyes." I smiled.

He smirked and leaned down to press a kiss against my lips. It was soft and short. Really just a peck, but my heart still galloped in my chest. It gave me reassurance that I'd made the right choice in coming here. He pulled back and shut his door.

"Let's do something fun today, yeah?" He asked.

I opened my eyes to stare after his back as he headed into the house. Confused I followed him without another word. Although I'd kind of assumed I was coming here to spend my day with him mostly in the bedroom, I'd do anything with him.

"I was thinking we could go down to the beach for awhile?" He looked to me for my vote.

I just shrugged watching him pull on a white tshirt. "That's fine."

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