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Finals had ended and I had made my flight by the skin of my teeth. Lindsey still wasn't really speaking to me since I'd refused to go on a bar crawl with her and her other friends. I'd packed pretty much everything in my dorm into two bags and a carry on, and I was about to conquer my newest adventure. California here I come!

I'd texted Macy nonstop since we talked and couldn't wait to see her. She was supposed to meet me tomorrow at a little coffee shop she swore had the best banana nut muffins around. Today though was all about Gram.

I stepped off the plane and stretched my legs. Nothing like flying in coach seating across the country. I yawned and stretched my arms above my head. Then I started looking for my bags.

Once I'd found them I hoisted them up and started looking around for my ride. I looked at all the men holding signs. There was one for a Rhonda, and one for an Arnold. I seen a woman run into the arms of a military man and squeal as he swung her around. I saw a man looking around frantically for his bags and freak out when he didn't find them in the conveyor belt. What I didn't see, was someone to pick me up.

I got my cellphone out of my bag and dialed Gram. It rang several times before she picked up. When she answered she sounded out of breath.

"He-hello?" She breathed.

"Gram, it's me. I just landed." I said wheeling my suitcase across the floor to sit down.

"Anna Marie?" Gram sounded confused. "You aren't coming until next week."

"No Gram I'm here now." I said looking around for a rental car place. "I can call a cab or something."

"No, no I swear today's the sixth." She argued.

"Today is the twelfth Gram. I'm standing in the airport. It's no big deal I'll figure it out." I said seriously. "I'll see you soon."

I hung up and found an Uber. It was the longest ride of my twenty one years of life. The driver was listening to a bible study on tape, and I swear he was farting the whole way to Gram's. When we got there I still gave the guy five stars.

I grabbed my bags and ran for the door. The house looked exactly how I remembered it. It was a light shade of grey with white shutters and beautiful landscaping out front. It felt like taking a trip back in time when I stepped onto the porch.

I knocked and I heard rustling around inside. Then Gram opened the door. She was frail and looked awful. I plastered on a smile and leaned in to hug her.

"Anna Marie!" She smiled so big it looked like it might crack her face. "I've missed you so much! Look how beautiful you are! You should've called!"

I froze.

"If I'd known you were coming I'd have made up the guest room. I can move all my knitting stuff into the closet in my room. It'll be so nice having some company." Gram said hugging me so tight I thought I might burst.

She did know I was coming though, and we literally just talked on the phone. I hugged her back but remained confused. Then I saw movement inside and darted my eyes to a woman leaning against the wall in the foyer.

"Who's this?" I asked Gram.

The woman was wearing a pair of jeans and a T-shirt with a strange logo on it. She had dark hair pulled into a long braid and her chocolate skin tone was absolutely gorgeous. She smiled brightly at me and gave me a small wave.

"Wha-" she looked over her shoulder and then back to me. "Oh that's just Emilia."

Emilia smiled and started my way. "It's nice to finally meet the granddaughter she talks so fondly of."

I smiled. "I'm sorry to seem rude, but who are you exactly."

"Oh forgive me, I figured you're parents told you about the care Sue was receiving. I'm a hospice nurse."

My heart stopped. "Hospice?"

Emilia gave me a sad smile. "I've been here about a month. She ran off two the week before I came though."

"Yeah you're a tough cookie." Gram bumped Emilias hip. "I knew you'd stick around. Although I don't see the point. I'm fine on my own."

Emilia smiles fondly at her. "I know you are. I'm just here if you need me."

My heart felt like it was in a million pieces. My parents knew about this. They set up her care and didn't tell me. Why would they keep that from me?

"Let's come in and get started moving that yarn!" Gram shuffled into the house toward her spare room.

I stepped in with my bags and closed the door. Emilia lingered and waited for me to speak. I didn't really know what to say though.

"Alzheimer's." She said finally breaking the silence. "She has good days and bad, but they did some tests and she also has a lump on her brain. She refused any farther tests. They estimated a six month span before..."

"Before she dies?" I asked feeling the tears start.

"You didn't know?" Emilia asked.

I shook my head as tears fell down my face. "No one told me."

"She talks about you all the time. She's so proud of you. I feel like I know all about you from her stories." Emilia laughed. "You're her favorite person."

"I can't believe no one said anything to me about this." I was furious. "I just, I need some air."

"Take a drive. The keys are on the counter." Emilia smiled sympathetically. "I'll help her make up your room. How long will you be with us?"

"Do you stay here?" I asked.

Emilia shook her head. "I come around ten and leave around ten. Sometimes on bad days someone else comes to stay overnight."

"I was planning on staying a week, but maybe longer." I said hiccuping a sob. "I'll be back soon. Thank you so much for being here for her."

I grabbed Grams keys and hurried out to her old car. Getting behind the wheel I backed out of the drive and onto the street. Tears fell freely as I drove. I had no idea where I was going. I just needed to breathe.

Last second I took an exit to the beach. I parked and got out. Still crying and not caring who saw me, I walked along the water. It was close to sunset and I remembered coming here as a kid. Paul had held me up on his shoulders and we'd taken pictures. He never would've kept something like this from me.

"Are you alright, Love?"

The British accent sent shivers down my back. At the same time it felt like my whole body was being caressed by the sun. I turned and looked him up and down. Why did he still have to look so perfect?


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