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Being trapped in a car with someone you had a one night stand with three years ago shouldn't be allowed to happen. Unfortunately though it is, and Harry isn't making it any less awkward. He's relishing in the fact I'm uncomfortable.

"I don't, well I mean, I didn't," I stumbled over my words. "I figured it'd be easier."

"Was it?" He asked seriously.


"Was it easier?" He asked.

I looked out the window. "Gram's is the third one on the right after the next stop sign."

Harry stayed quiet until he stopped in Gram's drive. He put the car in park and turned to face me. He was still just as striking as he had been three years ago. Looking at him made my heart feel like it was going to beat out of my chest. How can anyone look that prefect?

"Was it easier Anna? Leaving?" He asked again eyeing me. "Because it wasn't for me."

"It," I stopped. "No it wasn't easier Harry. It was rude and I'm sorry."

He snorted. "Don't apologize about it. Just tell me, did you ever think about me Anna?"

I didn't say anything right away. I just looked into his gorgeous green eyes. How could someone look even more perfect after three years. It was almost unfair.

"Did you think of me Anna?" He asked cocking his head to the side as he held my gaze.

I nodded before I even spoke. "All the time. I still do."

He smiled at that. A real smile. Not one of those fake bullshit one's. It reached his  eyes making them seem impossibly brighter.

"That makes two of us. You should pay rent for the space you occupy in my head." He said while looking into my eyes. "You should go."

I nodded but made no move to get out. "Harry, can I ask you something?"


"This might seem totally random and unrelated to anything, but I swear it's important to me." I took a deep breath. "How did your family feel about you coming over here to do music?"

He didn't miss a beat. "They support me in whatever I want most. In this case it's music, but if I told my mum I wanted to be a rodeo clown I'm sure she'd buy me a big red nose tomorrow."

I smiled. "She sounds lovely. Do you think she'd ever keep something from you? Maybe she thought she was protecting you from making a dumb mistake."

He shook his head after considering it. "No I don't think she would."

"See, my grandma is dying. Like I said at the beach. That's why I was crying." I looked at the house. "My parents knew and set up some kind of six month care because that's all the time she has left, and they didn't tell me. They didn't even call me to tell me she was sick. She could've died alone."

Harry sat quietly listening as I talked. When I stopped he looked in my eyes and gave me a sad smile. I knew there was nothing he could say that would make this better. Hell, he barely even knew me.

"You should talk to them." He said finally. "Hear their side before you get so upset."

"There's nothing they'll tell me that makes it okay for them to decide what's best for me. I'm so sick of letting everyone else tell me what I want!" I snapped.

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