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Macy's POV

The past few days have been hard. Anna Marie had me and Harry go with her to tour a facility for her gramma. We loved it. It was like the MGM of nursing homes.

Today she helped pack things for her gramma. She cried the whole time, but she did it. She had to be one of the strongest people I know, and Harry was right there beside her every second. We all helped but Anna Marie was carrying the most weight.

After finding out her gramma had bamboozled her into signing something, I guess Anna Marie was in charge of her gramma's care. That meant instead of her father making choices that Anna Marie gets the final say.

Not only was Anna Marie power of attorney, but Gramma Sue also had everything left to her. The house had already been put into Anna Marie's name I guess, and so had the car that was still in the shop. Gramma Sue really pulled a fast one. Anna Marie's head was still spinning.

"I don't even know what else to take her." Anna Marie said looking around her gramma's room.

"You can always make more trips. It's not like you won't see her again." I said softly squeezing her shoulder.

"I know." She nodded. "I just don't want her to think I'm abandoning her. Am I really doing what's best?"

"It was doctor recommended for goodness sake." I said.

"You're doing what's best Anna." Harry said reassuring her as well.

I sent him a silent thank you over Anna Marie's head. He just smiled. He's a heaven sent angel.

"Okay, that's everything then. Thank you both so much." She hugged me then Harry.

"I'll come with you to help set up her room, yeah?" Harry asked her.

She nodded and looked at me. "Are you sure you'll be okay alone?"

She was so worried after she found out about what happened at my place with Reggie. I assured her I would be just fine though. She gave me another hug and was gone.

I took the time to do the dishes in the kitchen and sweep the floor. It wasn't often I was alone. Now that I'd been staying here so long it flew like my home as well. I'd let go of my lease on the apartment and all my things were either here or in storage now. I just felt like I was dangling somewhere between settled and free falling.

The landline on the wall rang making me jump. No one really ever called this house. Well, Anna Marie's parents sometimes. Maybe a telemarketer or two but not often. I wandered over and picked it up anyway.


"This is Andrew with D and H calling for Anna Marie Towns. Is she available?" A very British man asked.

"She's out right now can I take a message?" I asked testing the phone between my ear and my shoulder.

"Have her call me back at this number." He rattled off the number. "We recently looked over her work and the letter of recommendation she sent in and although she was too late for the internship we would like to offer her a position with us."

"Where exactly are you calling from?" I asked as I jotted this all down on an envelope.

"London, D and H is a publication company. We work for a few local magazines and some authors. Anna Marie will know." He said.

"I'll give her the message." I said feeling oddly confused by this call.

"Have a nice day." Andrew hung up.

I stayed there a moment starring at the phone in my hand. Was I dreaming? Did he say Anna Marie sent him something? She hadn't mentioned even still wanting to try for the internships. She'd dropped out of school so why apply?

Unless maybe, she didn't apply at all. Maybe Harry did. He wouldn't, or would he. Where would he get a sample of her writing though?

I chewed my lip and hung up the phone. I wandered around thinking over and over. Should I tell her? Or ask him about it?

Anna was under so much pressure as it was. Now this was one more thing to worry about. Although, this could be her break. They're offering her a job in London. She could be with Harry and not have to worry.

Who am I kidding? All she does is worry. God she's going to be pissed at him.

As I was pacing the front door opened and Harry came strolling in carrying a bag of Chinese take out. I glared at him until he looked up at me. He saw my face and winced.

"Whatever that look is for I'm sorry." He raised his hands in surrender.

"Did you submit Anna Marie's writing to a company for an internship?" I asked boldly.

The answer was all over his face, but he didn't try to lie. "I did."

"Does she know?" I asked crossing my arms.

He shook his head. "No."

"They called to offer her a job while you were gone. Harry where did you even get a sample of her writing? You know she's going to feel violated by this. It should've been her decision." I was ranting until he cut me off.

"They offered her a job?"

"Well, the man left a number for her to call and get details. Sounded like a job offer to me." I said. "What did you submit?"

"Her journal." He hung his head. "If it makes it better, I never read it."

"Didn't read what?" Anna Marie asked coming into the kitchen smiling.

It was the first smile I'd seen on her face in days. I wasn't about to be the one to ruin it. Not for a million dollars.

"Harry's never read The Great Adventure! Isn't that a true crime?" I joked. "Best book of all time."

"You hated that book in high school." Anna Marie laughed. "Glad you finally gave it another chance."

"Yeah, everything deserves a second chance." I eyed Harry.

Anna Marie was grabbing plates and I whispered just to him as I slipped the note with information for the company into his hand. "You better tell her. It's better if you're honest."

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