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Harry's POV

Macy was standing on a countertop in the kitchen trying to take her top off. I tried to talk her down, but she just kept telling me I wasn't her boss. Then she slipped in some tequila and fell right into the arms of Reggie, the guitarist she'd been looking for earlier. He seemed overly happy to tend to her safety after that. Which to be frank, made me uneasy.

Anna was another story. She'd found her way into the living room and was dancing her heart out. She'd taken a pack of cheap cigarettes from someone and was smoking them like a train. She's going to regret that when she wakes up. She was going around and talking to strangers and debating trendy clothes, or vacation spots. She was laughing freely and having a ball.

Even as a chaotic mess, she's was gorgeous. Her long brown hair was sticking to the sweat around her neck as she put her arms over her head and bounced around to the music. I shook my head in disbelief. She was so free it almost seemed a shame to put a stop to it, but I knew she'd want me to if she was sober.

"Anna?" I yelled over the music. "Let's call it a night, yeah?"

She shook her head no and motioned for me to come join her. "Dance with me Harry!"

I sighed and held up a finger to her. I stepped outside to make a call. I'm going to need Mitch. He's going to have to come help me get these girls out of here. I can't possibly do it alone.

Mitch agreed to come and help of course, after a bit of mild teasing. He's a good friend and really deserves more credit than I give him. He said he'd be here in twenty minutes. When I went back inside I found Anna dancing with two strangers.

My blood boiled seeing their hands on her in places they shouldn't be touching. She was leaning back against the one and the other one was rubbing against the front of her. Oh for fuck sake!

"Anna!" I yelled over the music and walked to her.

She looked up at me with those big eyes and smiled so big. "Harry!"

The two guys just wandered off back into the crowd to prey on other drunk girls no doubt. "Let's get some air?"

She grabbed my hand and pulled me toward her. "Come on Harry please. I don't want to stop. I never have any fun."

How does someone say no to that pout she's giving me. "Anna,"

She stopped me. "One more song then I promise we'll go?"

"Fine." I sighed. "Just one!"

 "Just one!"

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