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Christmas snuck up on us fast. We stopped in Carolina to see my dad. He was indeed divorcing my mother. Harry and I stayed two nights in my childhood bedroom and spent some quality time with my dad.

I had even asked him to give me away at my wedding. He shed tears saying he was so happy I found Harry. He seemed to know that Harry had been thinking of marrying me long before he'd even asked. Which Harry later told me they'd discussed at Gram's funeral. I found that very sweet of course, even though at that time I wasn't in a place to care much what my dad thought of our relationship. It means a lot to me that Harry asked him for his blessing.

All in all the visit was great and I was glad I'd let Harry talk me into seeing Dad. It felt like a full circle taking him home with me. We went to a few of my secret spots along our property and Harry got to enjoy the slow pace of my little town for a few days. Even better though, I was happy Dad was going to walk me down the aisle at my wedding.

Harry's family was thrilled to have us for the holidays. Especially since his sister was going to be a bridesmaid for me. Harry's mom was elated over any and all talk of the wedding.

We'd decided March 6th was the date. We had chosen a venue in California. The beach would be in some photos but not all of them. We'd have a huge reception. We finalized a list of people to invite. Our food had been chosen and our music was already set. We were on top of the planning thanks to Macy's help.

Speaking of Macy, she was having a blast with Mitch's family. I'd called her yesterday and she had never sounded so happy. They loved her, but how could they not! She was thrilled that they liked her, and truly I couldn't be happier for her.

Christmas Eve Emilia sent us a picture of our furry little friend wearing a Santa hat. She wished us a happy holiday and said she hoped she'd see us soon.

Harry and I took a walk around town in the snow

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Harry and I took a walk around town in the snow. The Christmas lights on every home made it feel like a cheesy hallmark movie. He held my hand and twirled me around every so often as snow glittered down to the ground around us.

"Are you happy?" I asked him suddenly looking up at his face.

"Happiest I've ever been." His smile at me confirmed that. "Are you happy?"

I put my arms around his body hugging him to me and leaning up on my toes. "I've never been happier Harry."

He kissed my lips then twirled me around again

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He kissed my lips then twirled me around again. "Let's get out of the cold."

Back at our place we snuggled under a blanket watching sappy movies while drinking hot chocolate. Harry made everything better. Even being cold was better with him.

"Why are you looking at me like that Anna?" He glanced over at me giving me a dopey grin.

"Because you're cute." I pinched his cheek. "Your sister showed me some really cute pictures of you that I think she's going to put in the slide show for the reception."

He rolled his eyes. "Fucking Gemma."

"She's the coolest." I sighed. "Her and Macy are going to get along so great. Maybe she'll stay in the states with us for awhile."

"We've never decided where you want to settle down?" Harry raised a brow as he traced little patterns on my bare leg under the blanket.

"Who said I want to settle?"

He laughed. "Think of it more as a home base. A soft place to land if you will."

"This feels like home to me." I placed my hand over where his heart was beating. "Anywhere you go, that's were I want to be Harry."

"I'm recording a new album." He blurted out. "Starting after the new year. I want to record some in Japan. I think you'd like it there, but I know you have the club."

"Macy can handle the club. I trust her completely." I smiled. "If you want me to come with you then I'd love that."

"What about a honeymoon in Jamaica?" He asked.

I nodded. "Sounds perfect, but no working  on the honeymoon. That's all my time."

He smirked. "Wouldn't dream it any other way."

"I'd like to keep Gram's place and let Macy or Emilia, maybe both, stay as long as they want. That'll always be close to my heart. Maybe a place to visit in New York?" I said. "I like it here though."

"Here?" He asked.

"Yeah, makes me feel nostalgic every time we come to the UK." I trailed my fingers down his chest lazily. "Like the first time."

He caught my hand in his and threaded our fingers together. "Home base could be here." He said softly.

"It did all start here after all."

He nodded toward the bedroom. "Yeah, you seduced me right back there."

"Oh shut up!" I smacked his chest.

"I love you." He said sounding completely content.

It was moments like this than melted me. Ones where he was looking down into my eyes as we joked around and just randomly told me he loved me. Those were the moments I knew I'd never want to spend a day of my life without him.

"Harry," I traced my fingertips across his sharp jawline. "I love you so much."

"Love you more." He tease leaning into my touch.

"I love you most." I laughed.

That night we went to bed and fell asleep with a happiness between us that I'd never felt before. Harry had changed my life. He helped make me me the person I am now. I'd always love him for giving me the best version of myself. That's the best Christmas present I could get, besides those boots I'd seen in his closet that I'm sure are for me of course.

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