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Harry drove me to Gram's after he let me use his shower and I'd gotten dressed. My legs were still like jello as I walked up to her front door. Harry sat in the driveway until I was inside safe, and I gave him a wave as he backed out.

My heart had been through a lot today, and so had my vagina. I don't know what had come over me at his villa. It was like I was possessed by a sex demon or something. Now I just wanted to lay down on the couch and rest. When I got inside though Emilia was crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"You're parents left to get on their flight." She wiped her eyes. "They'd only been gone a few hours but then the agency called me."

"What is it? Is Gram okay?" I asked looking around frantically.

"She's napping upstairs. She's fine. It's your parents. They called to try to cancel her care." She sniffed. "They said if you were here then I didn't need to be."

My face got red hot. "They WHAT?"

"I don't even know how they could do that Anna Marie. She's clearly not getting better. Her doctors even know it won't be long." Emilia was practically shaking. "I'm just so mad! What kind of people are they to do something like that."

"Can they cancel her care?" I asked.

"No, because she was placed with our level of care by a doctors orders. Her insurance is paying for her care, not your parents."

"Well, thank god for that." I sighed.

"That's not the worst part Anna Marie." She clenched her teeth.

"What is?"

"They said they wanted me out of this house because I was stealing from Sue!" She exploded. "I would never touch something that wasn't mine."

"Emilia I know that! Anyone who'd think that, is a fool. I'll call and explain that my parents are just total assholes." I said.

"It's okay, my boss actually called to talk to your grandma and she straightened things out. That isn't the point though." She sighed. "Who does that?"

"Misti and Carl Towns." I gave her shoulder a squeeze. "I'm sorry they tried to do that."

"It's alright. I was just so upset. Why would they want Sue to suffer?" She shook her head. "I can't comprehend it."

"They're assholes Emilia I'm sorry you had to deal with their backlash. This is all because I'm dropping out of college to stay out here." I sighed.

"Do you want to finish school?" Emilia asked.

I looked over at her. "Maybe some day, but I'd rather spend what time I have left with Gram here."

"You're such a good person Anna Marie." She smiled. "A true saint."

"I'm no saint." I laughed thinking back to what I'd just done with Harry. "I try to be a good person though."


After Gram woke up from her nap we watched Laverne and Shirley reruns in the living room. She told me how happy she was I had come back. She even told me that Harry had dropped by to see me a few days ago.

"I saw him today actually." I bit my lip. "We're in a good place."

"Oh?" She looked at me fondly. "Did he play his song for you?"

"What song?" I asked.

"Forget I mentioned it." She shook her head. "It wasn't finished yet anyway. He might wait until it's done. It's a real beauty though."

I sighed. "I think I'm going to go lay down Gram. I'm exhausted."

"Okay, Emilia can help me get to bed. I love you."

"Love you too Gram." I kissed her forehead and headed upstairs.

I settled into bed and pulled up the covers. It was a cool night so I left my window open. My cellphone started to ring just as I got comfortable.


"How could you?" Macy demanded. "It was my business Anna Marie! How could you just run right in there and tell Harry? You barely even know him!"

"What are you talking about?" I sat up.

"Reggie just showed up here at the station with a busted lip and a black eye. He said Mitch did it, and that he was pressing charges and that I'd be fucking sorry for running my mouth!" She was practically hyperventilating.

"Macy I didn't me-"

She cut me off. "Yeah Anna Marie, you're perfect and you didn't mean it. I know. I just wanted this to be over and now it's worse."

"Macy," I said. "I can fix it."

"No you can't. I'm going to bail Mitch out and talk to him. Maybe we can figure something out." She sighed. "I'm sorry for blaming you. I'm just scared."

"Tell the police what happened." I said.

"They won't believe me." She said. "It's fine. I can take care of this by myself."

"Macy let me help you." I practically begged.

"Anna Marie you've done enough. Thank you for the concern but I'll be fine." She snorted a laugh. "Goodnight."

"Night." I hung up.

I settled in again and closed my eyes. No sooner than I closed my eyes there was a loud thud. Then screaming, and then someone screaming my name.

"Anna Marie! Help me! Anna please!" Emilia's voice rang out.

I bolted upright and was at the stairs in a flash. Gram was laying at the bottom of the steps with Emilia knelt down right beside her. Emilia was talking to her and telling her to sit still.

"What happened?" I asked rushing down the steps.

"I turned away for just a second to turn off the tv. She tried to go up alone and fell down the stairs." Emilia said.

"We should take her to the emergency room." I said eyeing the way she was already starting to bruise.

"I'm okay Honey, just help me up." Gram groaned a little as she tried to sit up.

"No Gram you're going to get checked out!" I said seriously. "Emilia help me get her up."

We got her to the ER and she had a concussion. So she had to stay over night for some monitoring. I stayed with her and sent Emilia home.

I was laying sideways in the chair as Gram slept when my phone rang. It was late so I looked to see who could be calling me this time of night. It flashed Harry's name and I felt my heart speed up in my chest.


"I just wanted to say goodnight beautiful." Harry's voice made me feel like melted chocolate was being dropped over my skin.

"Goodnight Harry." I said softly.

"You sound stressed. What's wrong?" He asked.

"Gram's in the hospital. They're keeping her overnight and I'm just worried." I sighed. There was no use lying to him.

"I can come sit with you." He sounded like he was getting out of bed.

"It's okay, I'll be fine." I said not really feeling fine at all.

"Anna I didn't ask. Text me what hospital and I'll see you soon." He hung up.

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