50 (the letter)

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My dearest Anna Marie,

I write this letter to you knowing I haven't long left. My mind is not what it used to be, but I know that you do everything for me. I love you. I hope you always remember how much I love you. You're a free spirit that should never be contained, and never forget that.

By now if you're reading this I'm already gone and you've met Don. He's the best. He was a good friend of your granddad. We made out a will so that your dad won't shut you out of things. I know I already gave you the house and that crappy car, but there's a lot of things I want you to have.

I never want you to struggle. I want you to chase your dreams, and catch them. I want you to take good care of my club, I had wonderful memories there and when I found out they were going to tear it down I just had to buy it. Turned out to be a good investment.

I know you'll take good care of everything I leave you. There's also a lot of money coming your way. Don't spend it all in one place. Money never buys you happiness. Do what you want with it, but I know you'll do something wonderful.

Don't cry too much sweet girl. I'll look down on you proudly every day. Never wonder if you make me proud, because there's nothing you could do that would disappoint me. Write in that journal to me in heaven so I can know how you're doing.

Hold onto that gorgeous green eyed boy. He's a good one. He told me long before he told you that he was in love with you. I'd longed to see the day someone loved you as much as I did. That boy outdoes me. He seems that he doesn't want to contain your free spirit, but instead to run alongside it. Hopefully he's your Hugh.

Travel! Go out without regret and see the world. It's a beautiful place. Don't feel bad and know I'll always be with you anywhere you go. In my safe deposit box you'll find plenty of jewelry, I'd like it if you picked something to keep on at all time so I'm with you. There's a few rings in there I think Harry might even like if he wants them. Hugh always loved jewelry.

Thank Emilia for everything she's done for me. I left her something as well. Just have her call the college and ask about her tuition... it's all paid for. She was a saint and she deserves a worry free education to get that degree she's worked so hard for.

As for Macy, don't be too hard on her. She's shared with me struggles she's faced over the years. Many that I've kept to myself. I truly believe in soul sisters, and that's what I thinks she is to you. She's a wonderful woman, a bit shattered, but we all need to be put back together sometimes. Lord knows I did!

Never feel guilty for following your path. I don't want you to regret not being with me in my final hours. I want you to remember me as a strong woman, a loving role model, and a best friend. I cherished every second of our time together my dear Anna Marie.

Until we meet again,

Xx Gram

P.S. Swim before you drown!

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