🐯 pt 2

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2 years later

You were sitting next to your husband Commodus. Watching the battles in the arena.
The slaves won. Which was unusual.
"My history's a little hazy. But isn't the slaves supposed to loose the battle?" Commodus said to Cassius
"Uh yes your highness. Sorry your highness" Cassius apologised
Commodus smiled and chuckle a little.
"No it's quite alright. I rather enjoy surprises"

There was one man who stood out.
"Cassius who is he?" Commodus said as you just watched on.
"He is the one they call the spanyard"
"I think I'll meet him" he said getting up and walking down.

He came out with guards all around him.

"Why doesn't the hero reveal himself and tell us all your real name"
"My name is gladiator" he then turns away.

He removes his helmet and turns around. Your eyes go wide and your mouth drops open.
You ran down.

Commodus looks shocked, scared and angry all at the same time.
Commodus puts out his fist ready to give a thumbs up or a thumbs down.
You ran out the gate and towards your father.
"COMMODUS STOP!" You yell.
Commodus turns towards you shocked. you ran into your fathers arms. You both were crying.

After a bit.

"Come along now Y/N" Commodus says as he pulls you away.
"I'll come get some day Y/N" maximus yells
"I'll find you" you yell back.

You were angry at Commodus. He had said he was dead.

You two get to the place.
You hit Commodus' chest over and over again.
"You said he was dead! You lied to me!"

After some time Commodus holds your hands.
"I didn't know he lived" he said calmly.
"They lied to me"

He walked off to his table. He had some papers to do so he was doing that.
"I'm vexed my dear" he handed a paper to a guard.
"I'm terribly vexed" he signs another.
"If they lie to me they don't respect me. If they don't respect me, how could they ever love me?" He leans back in his chair.
You stayed silent.
"My dear are you ok?"
"Yes Commodus. Just a little surprised that Father is Alive" you smiled and go over to him sitting on his lap facing him. Your arms on his shoulders. Both hands playing with his hair. His hands on your hips.

You stare into each other's eyes. "Excuse us" you smile at the guards. Once the guards were gone You two start to kiss. Deeply.
You pulled away. "I know you'll do the right thing my love" you smile. He smiles too.
"That's why I'm the emperor"

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