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^^how he looks in this chapter^^

You were in foster care at his house. but you don't tell him it's your birthday.

You have been happy with living with Joaquin.
Today was your birthday. You decided not to tell Joaquin for whatever reason.
He was getting ready for a party. It was his friends birthday too. You decided to stay home.

Joaquin came out all dressed up. "How i look?" He did a spin to show off his outfit.
"Looks nice" you said with a smile. You had been moping around today.
"Are you sure your ok?" He asked for the 100th time today.
"Yeah i'm fine don't worry" you giggled "now go or you'll be late"
He looked at the clock and nodded. "I'll be home late so i'll see you tomorrow" he kissed your forehead and left.

You watched his car leave. You sigh and went to the kitchen. You started to make cupcakes.
Once they were done you looked around the kitchen for some candles. You smile when you found one. You went outside to find one of Joaquins spare lighters. You cane back in and put the candle in the cupcake and lit it. You turned the living room light off, sat your cupcake on the coffee table and sat down on the floor infront of it.

You sang a quiet happy birthday to yourself.
Tears came to your eyes. It finally came to you that you didn't tell Joaquin it was birthday because you didn't want to stress him out. With buying you presents that you didn't deserve and other things.
"H-happy birthday to me.." you blew the candle out. You pushed the plate away. Not wanting it anymore. You just watched movies. You watched movies with Joaquin in them. Even though you lived with him, you LOVED his movies. You looked at the kitchen.

You gasp slightly,got up and went to clean it.
After you were done, you yawned. You decided to go to bed. You forgot about the cupcake and go to your room.
You get changed and get into bed.

You manage to fall asleep when joaquin gets back. He came in quietly. He saw the cupcake with the candle and the lighter next to it. He looked at it confused then he widen his eyes. He looked for the papers. He looked at it. His eyes widen more as he saw it was your birthday today.

He thought for a moment. He had an idea.
The next morning he got up early and went shopping. With a little help from his sister. He brought presents and decorated the house before you woke up.

When you woke up you went into the living room. You were rubbing your eyes. When you noticed everything your eyes widened. You looked around in shock.

"Surprise!" He yelled and jumped out from behind the couch.
"W-" you were still in shock.
He cane over and hugged you, kissing your head. "Happy day later birthday"
You giggled slightly.
"Y'know ya shoulda told me" he made you look him in the eyes.
"I-i just didn't to stress you out. With buying me stuff I didn't deserve"
"What are you talking about? You sure do fucking deserve it" he smiled. "Well c'mon c'mon open your presents" he pulled you over to a pile of presents.
"Jesus christ" you exclaimed while looking at them. "So many....so big" you smiled

You started opening them.
Until the last one. It was in a box. You opened it but there were paper cover what it was. You look at joaquin who was watching you open it eagerly. You pulled the paper out. It revealed a framed thing. You pull it out to read it more. All you had to see was the words 'adoption certificate' before you put in down and hugged Joaquin tightly. You started crying as he teared up too.
"So, what do ya say?" He pulled away and looked at you.
You nodded "yes" you hugged him again.

"I love you Y/N Phoenix" he said into your hair.

"I love you too dad"

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