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He gets fired.

You were laying in bed when you hear the door opened and slam close. He get up and you see Arthur in the living room panting. He was in his clown costume still but without his wig and coat. He had blood on his face a little.

"A-arthur what happened? Why do you have blood on you?!" You go over to him and quickly check him if he hurt himself.
He shook his head. And mumbled something along the lines of. "Got fired" he fulled on his hair "i killed them"

"Who? Who did you kill baby?" You were calm about this for some reason.
"Wallstreet guys. 3." He sniffles "i'm sorry"
You hugged him. "No no shhh it's ok"
He hugged you back.

Its been a few days later and you and Arthur were walking down the street. All over the town everyone was wearing clown masks. Clowns were on the news and newspapers. Arthur seemed to love it. All the attention.

That night his mother went into the hospital. You guys were in her room when you decided to get a coffee for you and Arthur.
He was holding his mothers hand when the murrey franklin show came on. He started watching of course until he noticed himself on there.

He got and went closer. He was happy until he noticed his idol bulling him. He felt anger. Hate. He hated this man. The person he looked up to most of his life was bullying him.

About 2 days later you got a call. you answered the phone and it was a lady. Saying she was from the murrey Franklin show. She asked for Arthur and you put him on the phone.

A few minutes after you gave him the phone.
He came out with the widest smile on his face.
"What?" You asked.
"I'm going to be on the Murrey Franklin show thursday". He grabbed your hands and pulled you up.
"Yeah" he chuckled and you two started dancing.


Arthur was in the bathroom dying his hair green. You were confused at first onto why but he explained why and you just accepted it.

He soon came out in a red suit and his clown makeup. Before he left he gave you a kiss.
"Watch tonight" he said.
"I will"
He kissed you again "promise?"
"I promise Arthur. Now go or you'll be late" you chuckled
He chuckled too and left.

You watched the show.

"It's been a rough few weeks murrey"
He started.
"You know ever since i.... killed those 3 wallstreet guys" he smiled
You watched in shock. Your boyfriend just admitted to murder on live TV.
He went on about how the world was so awful.
You zoned out.

All of a sudden you hear him yell.
And before you knew it. He shot Murrey in the head. He laughs for a second before getting up and running off.
15 minutes after there was a banging at the door. You opened it and there was Arthur panting. He pushed you aside and shut the door.
"Oh art" you hugged him as he hugged back.
"We-....we gotta clean you up" you hurried to clean him up. "You're not leaving me" you started to get a little insane from this.

You get him cleaned. You guys stayed at the apartment cuddling. So far. No cops.

"You're so pretty, how the fuck did i get so lucky" he smiled and licked his lips.
You giggled slightly.


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