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You a patient at the asylum. You need him.

You look out the hole in you door. You see Abbè walking past. "Abbè!" You call.
He turns around and smiles. "Haven't they let you out again, Y/N" he grabs his keys and unlocks your door.
You immediately hug him.
"How are we today, Y/N? Did you sleep well?" He says into your ear.
"I did. I would pay you for slipping me the medicine but, I haven't any money" you look up at him.
He chuckled. "Well it doesn't matter. That's what I'm here for" he looks down at you. Then to the hallway hearing the doctor come. He lets go as he turns the corner. "Now hurry along, Y/N. Go get breakfast. It's important you know" he smiles at the doctor and walks with him to the Marquis's room.

You smile and skip along the hallway to the food hall.


You were quite naughty in behaviour. So when there was paint on the wall of the art room Abbè knew straight away who it was.

You were just sitting there minding you business when you saw Abbè come in.
He looked at the wall then sighed. Then looked at you. He started walking towards you. But you started walking the other way.

It got to the point where Abbè was chasing you down the hallway and outside to the yard. Where it was a wide spread of freshly cut green grass.
He finally caught you by your upper arm.
You had a habit of misbehaving and Abbè was at his wits end. He pulled you closer.

"What in Gods name am I do with you!" He said sternly. You stood there not speaking a word.
He sighed then pulled you back inside and down the Hall to his room.
He made you stand in the middle of the room.
He paced infront of you.

"The more I Forbid the more you rebel"
You stayed quiet. He was Extra hot when he was Angry. You didn't see him angry often. Mostly it was at the Marquis.
"Your Actions this past week have forced me to punish you"
You look up at him as he looked down at you.
He sat on his bed.

"Oh Abbè. I mustn't" you looked at his lap. It was tempting. "Gods watching" you smile.
He just glared at you and grabbed you wrist pulling you down over his knee.
He lifted you skirt high above your waist to reveal you.
He puts a hand on you ass "now, you know why I must do this?" He said.
"Yes Abbè"
He nodded and lifted his arm ready for slap it back down.
"Wait Abbè! May I speak for a moment?" You ask.
He places his hand back down to say that you can.
"Why must you punish me this way but not the others" you ask.

"Because I love you" he says between his teeth. He lifted his arm up again and slapped his back down.


"Only 5 for now my love.  Now I trust that you will take this as a warning my Love"
He pulled your skirt back down and stood you up.
"You needn't to fear punishment, Y/N"
You nod.
He stood up and looked down at you.
You took it upon yourself. You started to kiss him deeply.
He pulls away. "Have you sworn to Obedience, my Love?"
You nod. He nods and starts to kiss you deeply as you kiss back.

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