👽 pt 2

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Please read the first part before this one. To get the story understandable.

After about a month after the incident. You were sitting on the couch in the living room.
A nice police lady was over. Your uncle and your dad found some marks in the crops.

The tv played the news about some marks in crops. You were watching Dexter. You looked around but couldn't find the remote. You changed the channel on the tv. But it was the news again.

You huff and go up to your dad.
"Daddy wheres the remote?"
"I don't know baby why don't you check under the couch"
You turn around and went to look for it while your dad and your uncle Graham talked to the lady.
All you found was some cheerios and raisons.

You walk up to your dad again and pulled his shirt. He looked down at you.
"Theres only food under the couch"
"Baby why don't you just change the channel on the TV"
"I did"
"Same shows on every station"

The lady, Morgan, Uncle Graham looked at you.

You all went to the living room and sat around the tv.

You didn't know the news said. "Daddy. What's that say?" You point to the tv.
"Crop circles. They found some like our one"
He said. You nod still not knowing what was going on.


You sat in your shared room with Morgan and Bo.
Morgan got a book from the shop.
You guys had tin foil hats on.

Your uncle came through the door and looked at you three confused.
"So the Aliens can't read our minds" Morgan said
"Oh" Graham said. He came over. He sat Bo on his lap.

He had his doubts. Of course.
Bo points to the book. "This is serious"
You all look at him.
He nods and starts to look at the pictures.
"That looks like our house doesn't it" your uncle said.
You feel the blood drain from your body.
You look closer and saw bodies on the ground as the Aliens ship made your house be on fire.

You become terrified. You jumped off Bos bed and ran downstairs.
"DADDY!" You ran too him once you found him in yard taking a bowl of water out to Isabell. 
You hugged his legs.
"What? What happened?" He picked you up.
"Morgan, Bo and uncle Graham were reading a book about the Aliens" you looked up at the sky. "Are they really coming tonight?"
He sighed "yeah baby" he kissed your head.

You both get inside. Graham, Morgan and Bo were in the hall.
"It's getting dark. They'll be here soon. We have to hurry" Morgan said.
Graham and Merrill nodded. He put you down and bent down to your height.
"Stay here we'll be right back" he got up and he and Graham went to bored up the house.

Once down. You all stood in the hall. When there was a loud bang at the back door.
You all jumped. Then the front door banged.

There was noise on the roof
"There on the roof!" Merrill yelled.
Then you heard glass breaking.
Merrill looked down at all of you wide eyed. "There in the house".
His first thought was to grab you.
He also grabbed Morgans arm as Graham Grabbed Bo.

You all went into the basement.

They started banging on the door.
"Merrill hurry!" Graham yelled 
Merrill looked around more before coming across an axe. He grabbed it "i got it!" As he swung around. He hit the light.

The lights went out and it was now pitch black.
You screamed and Bo screamed.

Morgan found a torch. thank god that lit up the room.

After a bit of them banging on the door. Morgan spoke up "they're just making noises. The book said they're very good problem solvers." He turns to Merrill "they'll find a way in!"

Graham thinks for a second. "They used to pour coal down here. There's a coal shoot in here"

Graham and Merrill search for it. When they do. Morgans standing infront of it.
They stare in shock.
"What?" Morgan says before a hand grabs him.

Merrill and Graham grab him. Graham takes Morgan away who's now having an asthma attack. Merrill puts sand bags against the shoot.

You and Bo sit on Merrills lap as Graham calms down Morgan.
"I dreamed this" Bo said.

Once Morgan was calm. Everything was Quiet.
"We should save the torch" Merrill said turning it off.

You all fell asleep. You were awoken by your dad carrying you up from the basement.
"Are the Monsters gone daddy?" You ask
"Yeah baby" he smiles. He put you back on the floor.

You stood still when you saw one of the aliens with Morgan. Your uncle Graham was just watching in shock.
You dad comes in with Morgans medicine
He drops it and stares.

"Swing away merrill" Graham said. "Merrill"
Your dad looks at Graham "swing away"
You dad looks at the bat that was on the wall.

He grabs the bat and comes closer.
The Alien sprayed some gas stuff into Morgans nose. You and Bo screamed. The Alien turned towards you both.
Your dad took that moment to wack it in the back.

The Alien dropped Morgan. Graham grabbed him and his medicine. He and Bo ran out with Morgan. You stayed in the house. Too scared to move.

Merrill knocked it down. A cup of water that Bo had left heaps of them around. The water burnt the Alien.

His eyes went wide as he looked at all the cups.
The Alien got back up again. You dad continued to smash the glasses of water at it.

He aimed once more and with one big swing he was able to knock it down again. But this time. The water poured all over it. Causing it to die.

The bat broke. Merrill dropped it and ran over to pick you up. He ran out of the house to Graham and the kids with you.

You stared at Morgan. He was passed out.
Graham was saying over and over "his lungs were closed. No poison got in"

You looked at Bo. She was crying. Then your uncle Graham. He was crying. You looked up at your dad. He was crying.

You started to cry too. Scared that Morgan was never gonna wake up again.

What felt like ages.
"Dad?" You all look at Morgan. You smiled and hugged Morgan.
"Did someone save me?" He asked
"Yeah baby i think someone did" Graham said.

~2 months later~

Graham became a Priest again.
Your dad started to play baseball again. He was actually teaching Morgan, You and Bo how to play.

You have pretty much Forgotten that day and night.

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