🐯 pt 1

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He takes you from the village and makes you his wife. He reveals his true colours.

There you were. Just strolling around in the city of Rome. You were looking at the markets. Seeing what fruit and vegetables you can buy for your aunt. Your parents were killed when you were young so you had to live with your aunt who has recently become unwell.

You hear some cheering. You look over your shoulder but your were too short to see so you were confused. Some people rusted past you saying. "It's Commodus!"
Your eyes widen as you looked again. Seeing the carriage in the distance coming your way.
You get up on one of the chairs close by. Of course you were going to be short, you were only 17 and you heard that Commodus was around 20 or so.

You saw his face as it came past. You saw his eyes meet yours. Then the his face was gone and the carriage stopped. You tried to see why i stopped. You leaned to far over. You felt your foot slip off the chair next this you new you were falling. You braced yourself for your body to hit the ground but it didn't happen. You felt arms catch you.

You opened your eyes to see a pair of emerald eyes staring back down at you. Your Y/E/C eyes widen as you stared back. It was Commodus.
"I-i" you stuttered. Now that you were closer you noticed that he really IS handsome. Everyone girl in town said so.
"Are you quite alright?" His speech was soft
You snap out of your trance
"O-oh yes. Yes thank you" you smiled as he put you down.
You looked at him more. Not just his face. His entire body. He was REALLY handsome
He blushed and smiled. He looked down in a shy manor. Then you realise you said that out loud. You blush deeply. You notice the other girls giving you dirty looks.

He clears his throat. "What's your name?" His kind voice was back
"Y/N, uh y-your highness" you bite your lip.
"Please. Do call me Commodus" he smiled "that is a VERY pretty name, was it your mother who named you?"
"Actually it was my Father, and my mother liked it as much as he did" you smile. But it soon fades when you remember your parents vaguely. You shook it out of your head. "Did your mother name you?" You ask and look back up at him.
He looks confused as in he was thinking "i'm not quite sure, anyway. What is someone so beautiful like you doing here. You look like your from the villages" he looked you up and down
"Why yes i am from the villages. I was getting fruit and vegetables for my aunt" you couldn't take your eyes off of him. Neither could he.
"Come back to the palace with me" he gets close to you. It looks like you two were about to kiss.
"I have to get back to my aunt. She is unwell" you look at his lips you wanted to kiss him so bad.
"I'll send some of my guards to tell her that you will be staying with me" he said looking at your lips licking his own.
You gulp and nod. He talks to his guards and they set off to your village. He took your hand and led you to the carriage.
He put you in first then got in himself before telling the driver to go on.

The carriage was bumpy. You were scared because you've never been in a carriage before. You were scared the whole thing was going to tip over. Tears sprung into your eyes. You got a sudden urge to curl up next to Commodus.
You bit your lip as you move over to him. Hugging his arm and hiding your face in it.
He looked down a bit worried.
"What has gotten you all frightened for, my beautiful princess?" he stroked your hair. "Haven't you been in a carriage before?"
You shake your head.

You two got to the palace and your jaw dropped. Everything was so big.

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