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Your his 16 year old daughter

Commodus was in his room pacing in front of his daughter Valentina.
"I am vexed my dear daughter, simply vexed"
He stopped in front of her and looked down at her. "What could you be possibly be doing in the town with a boy . It was not even the boy i said you ought to marry"
Valentina was looking down. "F-father-"
Commodus shushed her by putting a finger over her mouth.
"You shall not speak back to me. Do you understand?"
Valentina didn't say anything she just kept her head down.
Commodus clenched his jaw. He grabbed her chin and made her look at him.
"DO YOU UNDERSTAND!" He yelled. Having a bad temper.
"Yes father" Valentina said as she gulped.
"Good..." he let go "yes that's very good" he pointed to the door of his room which was closed. "Now. Off to your room. You are punished"
"Yes father" she hurried to her room while her father glared at her the whole way.

~time skip~

It was the next day and Valentina snuck out again while Commodus was at a fight in the colosseum.
"Its a beautiful day isn't it Julius?" Valentina commented.
"It most certainly isn't as beautiful as you" julius said smiling. Valentina blushed. They leaned in for a kiss only to be stopped by one of her fathers guards. "Miss, your father needs you at the palace at once. He seems unhappy"
He explained.
Valentina sighed "i shall see you soon julius" she hugged him as he hugged back.
She got into the carriage and went back.
When she got there she saw Commodus at the doors. He basically had fire coming from his ears.
"G-good morning father" Valentina smiled acting like nothing happened.
Commodus got more mad. "Get in the palace Valentina. Go to my chambers and you shall wait for me there" he demands
Valentina nods and hurries to her fathers room.

She was sat on his bed when he stormed in. He stood in front of her "stand" he demanded.
She stood up and he immediately slapped her.
She whimpered and held her cheek. "I gave you a warning and yet you go an disobey me.  I was nice enough to not punish like i am right at this moment but you have caused this upon yourself"
She sniffles and looks up at her father with wide eyes. Now covered in tears.

"I'm sorry father" she said quietly.
He grabbed her chin and ran his thumb over her lips. "Am i not merciful" he said quietly as he leaned down to kiss her. But Valentina looked away. He stood up up clearly angry on to why she did that. Commodus tightened his grip on her jaw and moved her face toward him so she was looking at him.
"AM I NOT MERCIFUL!" He yelled into her face. She was now crying.  He felt sympathy for once. He relaxed a little. "Go to your chamber Valentina. You are to stay there the rest of day and all evening. If you disobey me again i will not be frightened to punish you more than i have today. Do you understand" he said gently.
"Yes father" she ran to her room where she remained until the next day

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