Chapter 55: Black Banquet

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Sitting atop his black warhorse, his dark blue eyes gazing into the distance, waves of smoke and fire rose into the air, accompanied by the screams of men.

In front of such horrible bloodshed, his armour remain clean aside from his black Guandao, it's blade coated in black yet gleaming dangerously, covered in blood.

Ruyi glanced to the back, their Tiger troops still in good condition lined neatly behind him, all patiently waiting, confident eyes watching from afar as the Long army clash with the North Dragon army.


With a word, Tianhuo kicked his Warhorse into a gallop, Ruyi mounted his own horse, glancing once to the vice commander in a silent agreement before swiftly following after Tianhuo, a sly smirk appeared on his lips, his eyes darkening with slight excitement.

Finally Tianhuo is going to make his move. His revenge!

Their black shadows moved across the shrouded forest path, until they arrived near a inconspicuous area before dismounting.

Moving aside the fallen leaves and thick tree vines, Ruyi peered in-between the two large boulders, just enough to fit a human's body.

Tianhuo took the lead and slid through the gap, after a minute of squeezing through, they finally arrived to a much wider space, a long and tunnel went deeper into the darkness.

Although the light was limited, Tianhuo simply placed his hands on the side of the wall. Moving up and down, feeling the groves of the stone until finally he felt the groves marking on the wall.

Then he started walking forward quickly. Ruyi could only silently follow, their path was long and twisted, after walking for sometime, they came to another clearing this time the path splitting into 3 different directions.

But Tianhuo continue walking, his hands still feeling the walls and together they continued.

It was until a while later that they finally arrived at a dead end.

Ruyi frowned,

'don't tell me at this moment, master had made a mistake?'

Before Ruyi could even start teasing , Tianhuo started feeling along the edges of the wall in front of them.


The switch triggered a loud rumbling sound and a moment later, the dead end in front of them opened up.

They climbed up into a old wooden she'd filled with dust and various unused collaterals.

Quickly exiting, they picked up their pace, moving atop the roof tops swiftly, avoiding the patroling guards until they arrived at the palace gates.

The guards who saw them quickly allowed Tianhuo to enter with no resistance. They had not recieved the order to capture Tianhuo and still thought that Tianhuo was on their side.

Once they arrived nearer to the grand hall, they could already hear the commotion inside.

TianHuo's atmosphere dropped several degrees. His eyes frosted over with killing intent.

Kicking the doors open, he entered grandly with his Guandao in hand.

Everyone turned their attention away from the fighting figures and froze when they saw Tianhuo.

The two women in combat had noticed his arrival but continued to clash anyways, their blades just inches apart from tearing each other open.

Clothes and inches of hairs had been sliced apart by their vicious onslaught.

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