Chapter 30: I Won't Forgive You

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The sun had long disappeared beyond the horizon. Dark clouds partially covering the purple-blue colored sky.

From within the town, as the various groups busied themselves.  Strange figures began crawling out from the many, small hidden passages that linked the town's drainage system.

Stealthily, they silenced the patrolling guards. Disappearing as quickly as shadows back into the darkness of night.


But when they thought they had evaded being noticed, a loud war horn blew.

The sound of hooves clobbering and the trembling sound of hundreds of men shook the ground.

Surrounded by men in black armoured plates with the emblem of the White Tiger, the Bu army stood their ground.

The men on each side clashed with each other, shouting out with each strike to raise their moral spirit. Their spears and swords clanging against each other.

Arrows fell from the sky with neither care for friend nor foe. Anyone who stood in the area were mercilessly rained upon with arrows. The Bu army was prepared to use any possible method to win even if it meant killing their own.

The rain of burning arrows ignited patches of fire and smoke, covering the town. Men screamed and the smell of burnt flesh and hair filled the noses of those nearby.

The cries of men could be heard all over the small town. No where was safe people lost their lives cutting down each other.

Donning on her black outfit, with light armor and a small dagger at her back, her face wrapped in a black cloth while her hair was tied into a ponytail.

The black clothes wrapped perfectly around her body. The sleeves hid dozens of poisoned silver needles. On her thighs and ankle were poison coated small knives and her back was a twin dagger she used for close combat.

"You sure those weapons are enough."

Ruyi looked unsure as Feiyun appeared behind him. He knew that Feiyun had some level of martial arts at least above his level but having strenght and having experience are 2 different things and seeing how "unprepared" she looked, he was slightly worried.

If Tianhuo knew this were the weapons she wanted to use , he would definitely bully him to no end. Already able to see the hardship of the future, Ruyi sighed.

"What? I don't need to cut off their heads off to kill them. A single cut no matter how big the wound as long as blood flows, they will die. Want to give it a test?"

Although wrapped in the black cloth, Ruyi knew that right now Feiyun probably had a evil looking smirk.

"At this point I think princess is more scarier than Tianhuo."

Backing off slightly, Ruyi let out another sigh as he resigned to his fate of getting bullied by Tianhuo. Their princess was still a mystery to him.

Tianhuo had left Feiyun's protection in both his and FeiAn's hands to protect but why does it seems the dangerous on here is the princess?

"Tianhuo seems to be somewhere near the middle. Let's go. The faster we find the leader and kill him, the faster we can get back to the capital."

Leaning forward, Feiyun felt the adrenaline rush. She was finally in her zone, this was her sky. Lightly traversing the darkness jumping swiftly and landing so silently from roof to roof. Not a single sound or footstep could be heard whether she was running on the roof tiles or the sandy ground.

'princess definitely has experience doing this type of job. Just who and what has this princess been doing before coming to Tianhuo? Wasn't she supposed to be a sheltered lady?'

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