Chapter 28 : Fickle Minded Humans

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"Uwahh.. I'm so tired, we are reaching the border town by sundown. All these riding has made my butt numb and now we're walking through these rocky place and humid dense vegetation. Anyways, Captain, do you think it would work?"

Giving a dirty look at to his whining junior, Captain Huang yawned a reply,

" I don't know but commanding General Tianhuo has already agreed. Besides I trust in esteemed general Feiyun."

Captain Zhang adjusted the long bow on his back, trying to fit it comfortably as they moved along the uneven gravel as quickly as they can.

He looked ahead trying to catch up with the small back of the fine girl who smelt of herbs and flowers.

Although he said he trusted Feiyun he still had some worries.

-Flash back -

"Here's the plan."

Feiyun set the wooden tiger onto the landscape, right on top of the border town. Her eyes scanning the room with confidence.

"We will do nothing."

Silence continued as the generals stared flabbergasted at Feiyun.

" ....N-nothing?"

Some of the younger generals managed to chock out before the elder ones could burst into rage.

"That's right. The plan is to simply to remove the townsfolk to the next town for safety.

Once the townsfolk are evacuated, following which, we will open the gates and surrender the Town to the Bu lords."

The generals surrounding scratched their heads some looking at each other as though feiyun had just gone mad. The older, less forgiving generals felt the pressure in their veins rise wanting to spit out at least 3 meters of blood.

"I knew this would happen when we let an inexperienced woman start talking about war tactics. To treat this as a joke."

An older general across the table clicked his tongue.

"Oh? Then I will prove to you my logic with a simple game."

'Hmp, no respect for someone older than her, is she truly general Xue's daughter? If she wasn't a princess I would have kicked her out of here tsk.'

Slouching slightly, the old general displayed an obvious frown. The rest silently watched. Some glancing toward Tianhuo wondering if Tianhuo would move because of the disrespect shown to his princess.

But Tianhuo knew that Feiyun could take care of herself. He continued to watch as Feiyun's lips curled slowly into a half smirk as she challenged the old man, to prove her plan.

"We will play leaf, fire and water. If you win, I will walk out of here without any questions. But if you lose, you will apologise for having underestimated me."

Having thought for some time, the old general saw that Feiyun's suggestion did not have much loss for him, if possible he wanted to kick her out now but with Tianhuo watching, this was probably the only way that he could kick her out without giving Tianhuo a chance to blame him. The game was also observed by everyone and there's no way Feiyun could dare cheat.

"Fine. Princess, make sure you keep to your words."

"You too old man, ah... also, I'll let you know I'll be playing Fire."

'Hmm? Fire? Could it be a joke? Does she intend to make me play water so she can play leaf? No no no... But what if it's the other way round? Hmp so naive. Then wouldn't the safest bet be to play fire to beat her at her own game? Tsk'

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