Chapter 8: The Truth Behind The Blue Eyes

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Sitting in the carriage, Feiyun watched Tian Huo as he commanded to set off for the palace. His blue eyes were really captivating, the way his hair was lazily resting on his shoulder, she felt her heart tingle.

Noticing Feiyun staring at him, he looked at her beautiful eyes, wondering what she was thinking about.

"4th prince have not told me about your eyes. What poison were they?" Feiyun spoke, realizing that she had been caught looking at him, she quickly changed the topic. 

Ever since the first time she saw him, she wanted to know more about the man in front of her. She had her guess on what poison was used. Even with her large knowledge on poisons and toxins, she wanted to confirm. There could be some others in this world she did not know of.

"Husband." Tian Huo said, not batting an eyelash.

Feiyun raised and eyebrow. She did not expect this answer. "H..husband.." Feiyun stuttered a little as she turned slightly, to look out the window. She wanted to dig a hole to hide in. It was hard for her to say as she remembered what happened last night. Her cheeks blushing. Thank god, she had her mask on.

Tian Huo's eyes flashed with a tinge of happiness for a moment.

"Have you ever heard about the Lan Jing lotus?" Tian Huo's voice was devoid of emotions. He simply picked up the teacup and drank. As if the poison was not his problem.

Feiyun on the other hand widened her eyes and then frowned deeply, her chin propped up on her hand as she leaned forward.

"Do you mean the Lan Jing lotus poison that was known to be the most excruciating form of poisoning?" Feiyun asked.

Of course she knew,back in her past life, she had stumbled across an ancient dairy, detailing the poisons that the dairy's owner had yet to find a solution to. She then researched about this poison and created a synthetic antidote pill for the fun of it. Who would have thought that its name would pop up here.

"Mmh. " Tian Huo nodded. He was surprised she knew about it. Seems his wife wasn't so simple after all.

Seeing Feiyun's furrowed brow, deep in thought, Tian Huo's could not help but smile slightly, he was happy that she was worried about him. 

Feiyun concealed her surprise, 

'How did he survive? How strong is his willpower to live that he suffered like that every full moon.'

Even she herself had high tolerance to pain and poison would still scream out if she encountered such a poison.

The rare poison was extracted from the seeds of the Lan Jing lotus flower that blooms on the night of the full moon. After taking it, the victim will not feel anything at all. However, when the day of the full moon arrives, It would react with the lunar energy of the full moon and activate. The poison was hard to detect, doctors would not be able to detect it in the blood stream or even test with silver needles would fail unless it was done on the night of the full moon.

The poison will increase the nerve receptors by a 100 folds. Every small movement, even wind that blew pass would feel like you are being skinned alive repeatedly.

The pain would last throughout the night, it was so painful that it was used as a torture drug. It would not kill but would instead drive the person insane, losing themselves to the pain so much that they would rather kill themselves to end it. And if the victim survives the first night, it would change the colour of the eyes to a deep dark blue, the temperature of the person would also drop due to the lunar energy. It would then stay dormant until the next full moon when it blooms again.

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