Chapter 47: Drowning In Vinegar

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After they finished their plans on how to deal with the new hostile threat, the room returned to silence.

A finger drumming on the table, Feiyun seemed deep in thought, how could she actually let them know that she was feeling rather sour at the moment, drowning in vinegar*.

Feiyun put on an aloof appearance while Tianhuo simply sat beside her, glancing at her from time to time.

Ruyi sat in front helping to prepare some tea, he too kept glancing to Feiyun and then to Tianhuo.

If anyone was to come in now, they wouldn't realize that the atmosphere seemed weird but to Ruyi, he definitely knew that this ambiguous air was definitely suffocating.

'Why doesn't Princess even ask a single question? And...'

Glancing to his cold faced, God of War who can kill without batting an eye, Master- Ruyi's foxy smile and eyebrow couldn't help but twitch,

'Could he be...Nervous?!!'

The God of War is glancing nervously with a slight crease between his brows...what the hell. If anyone else were to see this then even if hell freezes over they wouldn't believe it.

Ruyi decided to start by breaking this unbearable silence,

" shouldn't be a-angr"

However at this moment, the spaced out Feiyun finally reacted,

"I will send some people to investigate everything about the WangHu Warrior Tribe"

Upon hearing Feiyun speak of the WangHu Warrior Tribe, Ruyi had 3 black lines on his head. Truly this Princess was an enigma.

'What?....that's what's bothering her? Isn't this Princess too relax? Some woman is here trying to snatch your husband and you're thinking about Tiger men??'

Tianhuo also seemed to let out a small unnoticeable sigh and the room's ambiguous atmosphere changed, enveloped in seriousness.

Thinking back, Ruyi could still remember the small girl with fiery red hair that Tianhuo had saved. How cruel those people had been.

"Princess everything about the WangHu Tribe had been erased. As though they never existed. Those were the orders of the our Emperor, because they refused to bow. A smudge on his face, of course he couldn't let them live. "

Ruyi sighed with a frown on his foxy face after a pause he looked up and continued,

"After decimating the entire Tribe, many young children were captured to be trained as slaves but even as children they were quite strong and many were killed while rebelling, others killed themselves due to their pride as warriors to not fall as slaves."

Feiyun brought a slender finger to her chin, rubbing it slightly. Her cherry lips pressed thin in thought until she finally nodded.

"Let's just go with the current plan."

Ruyi nodded in understanding, he too agreed that although it might seem mean to hide it from her, it would be better than blindly going in in rage.

"Then Princess how about FeiAn?"

A slight blush appeared very faintly on Ruyi's face, his eyes forming a gentle crescent as he smiled at Feiyun trying to get his point across.

"No, I have other plans for her. Just take FeiXu. "

Feiyun waved her hand, a slight curl on her cherry lips, her eyes mischievous.


Fearsome Princess Consort FeiYunHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin