Chapter 27: Sniping Oriole

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"Hold your hand here. Make sure your eyes are on the target. The second and third arrows will give lift to the first. Understand?"

The many eyes watched Feiyun. Each one of them filled with respect and reverence as though letting a single word of feiyun left unheard would be a great sin.

"Yes! "

"Good answer, go practice."

Feiyun finished instructing her group of starry-eyed men and dismounted from the high platform, putting her training bow and quiver down on the rack.

Wiping her sweat, Feiyun pulled the loose strand of hair behind her ear, turning to FeiXu who had arrived.

"Master, the generals will hold the meeting soon."

FeiXu reported as she took the towel from Feiyun. Raising an eyebrow when she glanced to the group of soldiers Feiyun had been training.

The group who did not like Feiyun's arrogance and made trouble for her the day before had suddenly become so obedient. Their eyes shining with admiration and respect. Training hard with all their might.

'Truly the lady that managed to win the devil's approval.'

As she followed behind Feiyun, the small slender yet strong back of the woman who is her master, FeiXu could only wonder to herself in awe at how Feiyun always manages to rally people to follow her. Her leadership and commanding spirit was like none other. A warrior like Feiyun reminded her of her home when she was young.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Feiyun announced as she arrived. Some of the grumpy old men inside nodded, still unable to accept that Feiyun had proven them wrong. Unable to accept that a female had beaten them.

Their thinking was still of the olden times where women should stay home and house keep while man worked and fought wars.

"According to our intelligence, the situation in the Southern Rocks aren't in our favour.

The southern Bu lords have taken control of the area and are threatening to take over the border town.

If we choose to engage them, the Army would also have to fight in the thick tropical vegetation and various cluses, narrow, steep-sided passages linking wide valleys that surround the border town."

When the young man finished his report, he stepped back as General Han spoke from the side, one hand cupped in another with respect as Tianhuo remained silent, watching the landscape in front of him.

The cold blue eyes never straying from the table as he silently listened.

"With Respect, Commanding General Tianhuo, this old men had been to many wars with the Tiger army.

This terrain is not suited for our men. The best solution to this would be a Siege. We station at the border town. Their only entry to Xing and source of commodities would be the bordering town. "

Another slightly younger general beside him added in.

"We could also set fire to the surrounding of the Rocky peaks to destroy the vegetation and smoke them out to create a open field fight which would suit our style more. "

Tianhuo's frown deepened at his useless generals. He turned to Feiyun who had been silently listening by his side not saying a word.

"What does my princess think?"

Feiyun smiled as she gently slide a slender hand near him, arranging a lose strand of hair on his shoulder. The various men around watching in silent fear.

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