Chapter 34: The Blood Red Sunset

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"You useless slave! Don't think I won't dare to beat you to death. Your life is less than dust in front of her Highness."

Sakura bit her lip shut, her eyes ablaze with firm loyalty, ignoring the stinging pain on her cheek.

Watching the fire burning in the 8th prince TianZheng's courtyard where her mistress had ran off to. Even though her heart thumped with worry, she would not betray her mistress.

"There! Follow her! Get her back here no matter what!"

A captain ordered as they chased after the lady on horseback. Her small figure grasped tightly onto the horse as they galloped as fast as the wind from the back of the burning courtyard.

Watching the men scramble and chase, the Royal Consort* Fu returned to her palace with her entourage of lady-in-waiting and eunuchs. The foreign maid bounded and gagged in tow.

'Hmp! If they failed to catch her, at least this maid could be the scapegoat.'

Sitting atop her lounge chair, Royal Concubine Fu's sneered,

'the palace is so wide and guarded. One measly girl can't possibly escape.'

Her deep thought was broken by a familiar voice.

"Send the maid to the prison!"

A rough guard obeyed and came forward, proceeding to drag the foreign maid out. 

"Son, what are you doing? If she escapes who will take the blame?"

A condescending smirk appeared on the 6th Prince JunZhan's face.

A handsome visage with fair skin and thick eyebrows. His eyes a deep brown that burned with desire for power. Clasping his hands behind his back as he elegantly made his way towards his mother.

"What's important is that we catch that woman. Without a doubt, our plan will succeed, mother has no need to worry."

Turning to her son, a cunning smile curled upon her face, the royal consort Fu asked with a hush tone, leaning closer to her son.

"Is it done?"

6th Prince JunZhan, nodded his head, a evil smile appearing on his face.

"I've confirmed it myself. He died cold as ice. Truly that poison is one of a kind."

Junzhan licked his lip as he thought back to how the 8th prince clawed at his throat. How the blood curdled in his eyes and fell red stream of tears.  Choking and gasping until he fell cold to the floor.  His skin a purplish hue as though tainted by vile disease.

His brother had always won him in every aspect. To see him fall like that satisfied his rage and jealousy. Unable to hold back the wide smirk on his face, he turned to meet his mother's eyes.

"Father Emperor has no choice but to let me succeed him now."

Just imagining the glory and power he can attain. Even now he could already hear the shouts of his people calling his name. A line of women in his inner palace all reserved for him. Who wouldnt need to bow before him. 

But as he smirked to himself, his mind drifted to a certain lady they were racing to capture. He wanted her for himself.


Just the thought of her name could send him shivers, the swish of her hair as she walk, the smell of her fragrance as though her body made out of flowers. Skin as white as snow and elegant figure with curves that show and the supple red cherry lips that takes his breath away with every song or poem recited.

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