Chapter 11: Sinful husband, Vengeful Wife

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After Tian Huo returned to the inner room, he saw that Feiyun had just bathed, she was dressed loosely in white silk robe, in front of the mirror with An behind her.

Tian Huo wave a hand and motioned to An. She bowed and silently left, closing the door behind her.

Tian Huo picked up the towel and stood behind feiyun. Her long black lustrous hair was slightly damp and reached down to the floor. Tian Huo slid his fingers through a bunch and pressed the towel against it, slowly drying Feiyun's hair. 

The moment was silent between the two, feiyun's phoenix eyes were closed, while Tian Huo's eyes were on the mirror looking straight at feiyun's reflection.

"Are you not wary of me?" Feiyun asked softly, from the start this man had accepted her, not a single question about her behavior or history. Judging by how cold and distant he is to others, Feiyun could not help but wonder why he was so accepting to her.

Tian Huo's hands did not stop, he watched as her phoenix eyes fluttered open, looking back at him through the mirror waiting for his response.

"Why? " Tian Huo's question was neither cold not fierce. 

Feiyun lifted one of her eyebrow and recited softly, " According to rumors, Xue FeiYun is a legitimate daughter of the General Xue yet treated less than a slave. Although pretty and had ordinary martial talent as a child, in the end became a disfigured cripple. Untalented, like mud compared to her concubine born sisters. Obviously the complete opposite of me, still not curious?"

"According to rumors, Xing TianHuo killed all his wives to be." TianHuo spoke from behind after a pause a small smirk plastered on his face, stressing on the word 'rumors'. 

Feiyun laughed lightly, such a devilishly intelligent man of little words. 

"I won't question, i will wait until you are willing to tell me yourself." Tian Huo replied nonchalantly runnning his fingers through her silk like hair.

'this man really...'  Feiyun sighed silently in her head. Amused that such a strong man was willing to wait for her, how come in front of her, his overbearing self is no where to be seen? She closed her eyes and began softly, her voice like a cold lonely flower in spring,

"My mother, Imperial Princess FeiYue was the daughter between the  low rank maid-turned-concubine* and the Late Grand Emperor (the grandfather of the current emperor). Mother was unloved and bullied because she was only half royal, no one cared whether she was happy or if she had died in her courtyard. She ended up as nothing more than a pawn for the Late Grand Emperor who married her to General Xue to stop his military power from growing."

Feiyun took the teacup in front of her and sipped on it, her eyes held traces of anger as she recounted from the memories of the past feiyun.

"The same as what father emperor is doing to us." Feiyun suddenly added with a chuckle, her eyes clearly amused. The imperial family of such a big nation yet playing small tricks like these.

Tian Huo's cold fingers gently brushed her cheek, " You're not a pawn. You are my wangfei (princess/wife of a prince)." His words comforted Feiyun, his eyes serious.

A rare genuine smile flashed across Feiyun's face, "I know, let me continue. There were many schemes used to make my life harder. As the official daughter of the wife, my presence was an eyesore. After all if I was out of the way, my concubine borne sisters would be the official daughters of the General Xue manor."

Tian Huo's eyes flashed with anger but he continued listening, his hands pausing for a bit before continuing through her silky hair.

"A disfigured cripple?Hmp! This is why i will let them think what they want, let them enjoy this fleeting moment of triumph. until they are nearly at the end goal, only then will I drop them from the heights. Every single action that could possibly annoy or anger them, I'll make use of. Every hit, slap, kick or blood, ill make sure to return to them. For what they did to me, only can be repaid in blood." 

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