Chapter 45: The Warrior Princess

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"Move out of the way! Move out of the way!"

"Aiyah... isn't that the crown prince's carriage?"

"Better to move away."

Even though the folks around had the mind to move out of the royal carriage's way, they were still curious about why the crown prince would show up in such a grand fashion and wait patiently in front of the main North Gates.

But as the crowd grew restless, murmuring their thoughts to one another, a loud rumbling could be heard in the distance.

The tea sets on the wooden stores nearby started trembling from the tremors caused by the on coming force.

People started feeling anxious sweat forming within their clenched fists, yet many still remained to watch what was going to happen, their panicked eyes glued to the large gates.

The thundering rumble of horse hooves became louder and louder until it came to a stop just outside the gates.

The guard a top the sentry tower quickly signaled to another guard below blowing into a horn. The humongous gates below started to open up slowly.

At this moment, everyone held their bated breath. Their eyes watching as the dust kicked up by the large horde of warhorses settled beyond the gates.

What met the curious people were a horde of warriors. Men who sat on their warhorses with bodies as thick as trees and weapons of all sorts. Domineering and fierce with tribal tattoos decorating their muscular bodies, evoking fear from the people all around.

Yet, it was not the majestic war horses or fearsome warriors that took people's breath away but the commanding lady the sat a top her Chestnut colored warhorse.

With the beak of the eagle shaped crown starting just between her eyebrows and framing her small face perfectly making her brown eyes even more sharp and fierce yet held a sort of unblinking beauty.

Her body clad in a mix of fur, leather and armor, her soft skin underneath slightly tanned, while a lock of long black hair braided in the Long Clan's Warrior's style, reached all the way to her thighs - its length signifying her strength.  

While the people looked at her with their breath stolen by her fierce beauty, at this point, RuoFeng had already came out from his carriage to greet his guests with a warm smile.

"Welcome to Xing, Princess of the Long Clan."

His eyes formed a warm smile as he greeted the familiar face of the lady in front of him. A look of greeting fleeted between them.

"I...didn't know that in Xing, dangling dirty heads at the front gates were a form of welcoming?"

With her short dagger in hand, the lady motion sarcastically upwards just above the top of the gate where 5 heads currently hung for the spikes.

4 of them old enough that you could tell their heads had been there for a long period yet the other one had only recently been placed there.

"'s to ensure that our people knows what happens when they over step their lines. Please pay no mind to it. "

RuoFeng chuckled and sneered with complete disgust at the head of Yuan ChiLu that dangled full of flies and maggots, the eyeballs completely eaten by birds.

The Princess on the other hand simply let out a trivial chuckle as though a gory head was nothing but a normal occurrence and merely added on,

"Then you shouldn't display it on the gates but in the center of the capital's plaza where everyone can take a closer and better look. "

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